Does gold attract corona?

This infographic debunks the myth that gold attracts the coronavirus.

Source: Does gold attract corona?

    Views 779

    What is the Post COVID problem?

    This video and infographic explain post-COVID symptoms.


      Views 465

      COVID-19 Mythbusters, Guyana

      ‘COVID-19 Mythbusters’ are messages developed to counter popular rumous about COVID-19. These rumors were entered into a rumor tracking system.

      Source: COVID-19 Mythbusters, Guyana

        Views 840

        COVID-19 Health Literacy Project

        This project creates and translates accessible COVID-19 information into different languages to help all patients know when, and how, to seek care. The materials are created in collaboration with Harvard Health Publishing.

        All of the materials are reviewed and vetted by physicians and medical school faculty members at the Harvard hospitals. These materials are created in collaboration with Harvard Health Publishing. The materials are freely available for download and distribution without copyright restrictions. The project currently supports 35 languages.

        Source: COVID-19 Health Literacy Project

          Views 1643

          UNICEF India COVID-19 Materials for the Public

          This site offers the complete set of COVID-19 materials developed for the Indian general public.

          Source: UNICEF India COVID-19 Materials for the Public

            Views 797