Echo One Health N: 003

Bulletin bimestriel de la plateforme One Health. C’est un moyen de communication des activités réalises en appui a la plateforme One Health dans le cadre du global health security agenda.

Source: Echo One Health N: 003

    Views 618

    Using Social Media to Disseminate COVID-19 Information: Technical Brief

    This technical brief details the steps and considerations programs can take to develop an overarching social media strategy to disseminate COVID-19 messages and combat misinformation. This document also provides a list of relevant tools and resources for implementation.

    Source: Using Social Media to Disseminate COVID-19 Information

      Views 578

      Creating a Real-Time Rumor Management System: Technical Brief

      This document includes important considerations and resources to support country programs in creating a functional rumor management system, enabling two-way communication with affected communities. It also includes guidance on obtaining feedback from communities on their beliefs (including rumors, misinformation, and disinformation), disseminating accurate information, and monitoring these approaches. Implementing this system while maintaining physical distancing is particularly important during the COVID-19 pandemic.

      Source: Creating a Real-Time Rumor Management System: Technical Brief

        Views 695

        Socially Marginalized Groups and COVID-19: Technical Brief

        This Technical Brief looks at how social inequalities influence people’s experiences with and needs during COVID-19. It offers recommendations on how to integrate the needs of socially marginalized groups into the COVID-19 response.

        Source: Socially Marginalized Groups and COVID-19: Technical Brief

          Views 704

          Using SMS and IVR-Surveys During COVID-19: Technical Brief

          This technical brief is intended to serve as guidance for systematically administering Short Message Service (SMS) and Interactive Voice Response (IVR)-based surveys to collect data1 from a stratified sample of participants. The brief includes a number of reference documents and resource people to contact for additional information.

          This document is not intended to guide push or blast messaging, or opt-in texting to a short code. It is important to distinguish between SMS and IVR efforts that push or disseminate information or educational messages or collect data from opt-in self-selecting samples.

          Source: Using SMS and IVR-Surveys During COVID-19: Technical Brief

            Views 533

            Social Media Platforms for Promkes

            This material is promoting the official social media platforms for the PromKes Health promotion unit in Indonesia.

            Source: Social Media Platforms for Promkes

              Views 600

              Information on COVID-19 Websites in Indonesia

              This material is promoting the official websites for COVID-19 in Indonesia.

                Views 697

                PUSH COVID-19 Challenge

                As part of the efforts to support Nigeria in curbing the spread of the coronavirus, Breakthrough ACTION-Nigeria and partners will be supporting the #TakeResponsibility social media  campaign of the NCDC through various social media activities. The team created a #PUSH challenge.

                PUSH stands for:

                P = Practice coughing or sneezing in your elbow.
                U = Use soap and running water to wash you hands regularly
                S = Stay at home to reduce spread from person-to-person.
                H = Help others by spreading this message

                Source: PUSH COVID-19 Challenge

                  Views 562