Stigma During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Stigma associated with COVID-19 poses a serious threat to the lives of healthcare workers, patients, and survivors of the disease.

In May 2020, a community of advocates comprising of 13 medical and humanitarian organisations including, among others, the International Committee of the Red Cross, the International Federation of the Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies, the the International Hospital Federation, and World Medical Association issued a declaration that condemned more than 200 incidents of COVID-19 related attacks on healthcare workers and health facilities during the ongoing pandemic.

Source: Stigma During the COVID-19 Pandemic

    Views 589

    Practical Guidance for Risk Communication and Community Engagement (RCCE) for Refugees, Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs), Migrants, and Host Communities Particularly Vulnerable to COVID-19 Pandemic

    This practical guidance is designed to assist program specialists to implement COVID-19 RCCE activities for and with refugees, IDPs, migrants and host communities vulnerable to the pandemic.

    The guidance highlights key challenges and barriers faced by these people in accessing COVID19 health-related information and presents key considerations and recommendations
    for planning and implementing RCCE activities. The document can be adapted to countries’ specific context and aligned with national response plans for COVID-19 and national RCCE plans.

    Source: Practical Guidance for Risk Communication and Community Engagement (RCCE) for Refugees, Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs), Migrants, and Host Communities Particularly Vulnerable to COVID-19 Pandemic

      Views 1221

      Gender Equity and the COVID-19 Community Health Response Webinar

      This webinar was held on June 18, 2020 and was sponsored by Last Mile Health.

      During the webinar, the panelists discuss the importance of integrating gender equity into the community health COVID-19 pandemic response. Panelists also share insights and experiences related to reducing the gender gap through data, CHW programming, policy integration, and broader empowerment efforts. Additionally, the speakers outline what this looks like in practice and how they are working to reduce the gender gap in the context of COVID-19 response.

      Source: Gender Equity and the COVID-19 Community Health Response Webinar

        Views 485

        COVID-19 Exposes the Harsh Realities of Gender Inequality in Slums

        The COVID-19 pandemic is largely concentrated in cities and urban areas, with around 2,600 cities globally reporting at least one case of the disease. While the epicentre of the global health crisis is still Europe and North America, its impact on developing countries may be more devastating, especially for the poorest. The 1 billion+ people living in slums and slum-like settings in developing countries, where population density is high, are those most at-risk and least prepared.

        Most countries have responded with shelter-in-place orders, lockdowns and measures to curtail COVID-19’s spread. But slum-dwellers will have a hard time complying, as their overcrowded housing often lacks basic utilities, like water and sanitation. For women and girls who are slum-dwellers, the challenges are even greater as they face increased domestic violence (already being reported) and unpaid care burdens.

        Women aged 15 to 49 are overrepresented in urban slums and slum-like settings in 80 per cent of the 59 developing countries analysed in a Spotlight on Goal 11 paper, produced by UN Women and UN-Habitat. In Kibera, Kenya, the world’s fourth-most-populated slum – and where COVID-19 cases are highest in East Africa – there are 116 women for every 100 men. The figure is 120+ women per 100 men in Gabon, Ghana, Guatemala, Haiti and Lesotho. In 61 per cent of the 59 developing countries analysed, more than half of women aged 15–49 live in slums.

        Source: COVID-19 Exposes the Harsh Realities of Gender Inequality in Slums

          Views 555

          COVID-Ready Communication Playbook for Health Professionals

          The team at VitalTalk crowdsourced this playbook to provide some practical advice to health care professionals on how to talk to their patients about some difficult topics related to COVID-19.

          Building on their experience studying and teaching communication they’ve drawn on their networks to crowdsource the challenges and match them with advice from some of the best clinicians they know.

          Source: COVID-Ready Communication Playbook for Health Professionals

            Views 958

            What Can You Do to Fight Stigma associated with COVID-19?

            Stigma can isolate people, prevent them from seeking medical care, and adopt healthy behaviors. This short video aims to learn more about how one can help to tackle stigma associated with COVID-19.

            Source: What Can You Do to Fight Stigma associated with COVID-19?

              Views 542

              Questions and Answers about Violence against Women and COVID-19

              This page offers health workers as well as the general public answers to questions about violence against women in the context of COVID-19.

              The questions include:

              Source: Questions and Answers about Violence against Women and COVID-19

                Views 815