Know What to do if You Have COVID-19 Symptoms or Have Been Exposed to COVID-19

Washington state produced a series of animations in English and Spanish (15-, 30- and 60-second versions) and associated posters and social media content that repurposes the video content. The goal of these materials is to help people understand what they should do if they have COVID-19 symptoms or have been exposed to COVID-19 – get tested, participate in contact tracing, stay home.

Source: Know What to do if You Have COVID-19 Symptoms or Have Been Exposed to COVID-19

    Views 1028

    Wear Your Mask the Right Way

    This is a series of Instagram messages created by the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health. The messages show the many ways people avoid wearing their masks properly, along with a humorous message. The posters address common mistakes people make while wearing a mask, such as holding it in their hands, wearing it on their arms or on their chin.

    Source: Wear Your Mask the Right Way

      Views 560

      COVID-19 Educational Videos (Spanish)

      This is a set of videos developed for the Latino population in Knox County, TN, intended to address misinformation about COVID-19 as well as main communication needs. Topics and themes have been developed based on community input and feedback. Topics include: symptoms of COVID-19, basic actions to keep oneself safe, face mask use, etc.

      Source: COVID-19 Educational Videos (Spanish)

        Views 850

        Updated Resources and Tools for Reopening Schools and Childcare Programs

        The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has updated their guidelines for reopening of schools and childcare centers as of July 23, 2020.

        The resources and tools made available on that date support how to open schools safely by promoting behaviors that prevent spread, altering how a school and school day is structured, and outlining how to keep the school environment healthy through cleaning, proper ventilation, and other practices. The resources and tools also describe what to do to guard against someone who might be sick from infecting others and what to do if this occurs.

        The resources, available here, also provide students, school administrators, parents, guardians, or caregivers the information they need to guide their decision-making on attending in-person curriculum and how to adapt to local conditions.

        Source: Updated Resources and Tools for Reopening Schools and Childcare Programs

          Views 578

          Montanans Wear Face Coverings

          These posters were developed to reach people living in Montana (US) with the message that the population of that state is already used to wearing masks for their various sports activities, so wearing a mask for COVID-19 should be easy for them.

          Source: Montanans Wear Face Coverings

            Views 706

            How the Virus Won

            This interactive graphic moves through the timeline of COVID-19 in the United States and shows via a map how and where the virus spread.

            Source: How the Virus Won

              Views 646

              Interim Guidance for Administrators of US K-12 Schools and Child Care Programs to Plan, Prepare, and Respond to Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)

              This interim guidance is intended for administrators of public and private child care programs and K-12 schools. Administrators are individuals who oversee the daily operations of child care programs and K-12 schools, and may include positions like child care program directors, school district superintendents, principals, and assistant principals.

              This guidance is intended for administrators at both the school/facility and district level. Why is this guidance being issued? This guidance will help child care programs, schools, and their partners understand how to help prevent the transmission of COVID-19 within child care and school communities and facilities. It also aims to help child care programs, schools, and partners react quickly should a case be identified. The guidance includes considerations to help administrators plan for the continuity of teaching and learning if there is community spread of COVID-19.

              Source: Interim Guidance for Administrators of US K-12 Schools and Child Care Programs to Plan, Prepare, and Respond to Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)

                Views 483