COVID-19 PSA Zambia: The Innovative Marketeer

This is a COVID-19 mini-series aimed at informing and engaging Zambian audiences about symptoms, preventive actions and the importance of verified information during the pandemic. Follow Bana Gift, as she adjusts to the new normal of running her market stall in the time of COVID-19.

Source: COVID-19 PSA Zambia: The Innovative Marketeer

    Views 706

    The Coronavirus Super Villain is Coming to Get You!

    This cartoon from India shows the novel coronavirus as a villain trying to get into people’s bodies. However, those that are wearing masks, practice social distancing and proper hand hygiene are protected from the villain.

    Source: The Coronavirus Super Villain is Coming to Get You!

      Views 900

      Government-Mandated Obligation to Wear Masks

      Une vidéo expliquant comment le gouvernement a rendu obligatoire le port de masques pour empêcher la propagation de COVID-19. Des instructions sur la façon d’utiliser et de nettoyer les masques sont incluses.

      A video explaining how the government made it mandatory to wear masks to prevent the spread of COVID-19. Instructions on how to use and clean the masks are included.

      Source: Government-Mandated Obligation to Wear Masks

        Views 602

        How to Greet Friends after Lockdown

        These two COVID-19 safety posters were created to illustrate the do’s and don’ts of greeting friends after lockdown.

        The posters outline appropriate greetings, such as: waving, bowing, nodding and touching elbows. These greetings have little to no contact and therefore reduce each person’s risk of contracting the novel coronavirus.

        Source: How to Greet Friends after Lockdown

          Views 750

          How to Protect Yourself in the Infodemic?

          Sharing unverified information during the COVID-19 pandemic can be dangerous, unhealthy, and make our life more confusing. UNESCO and the World Health Organization are calling out this Infodemic and calling on you to be on the frontline for truth. It’s easy. Watch the video for the simple actions we can all take on how to identify false information, verify trusted sources, and help ourselves and loved ones to stay safe.

          Source: How to Protect Yourself in the Infodemic?

            Views 730

            CommunityFirst COVID-19 Roadmap

            This Roadmap is a planning tool to support communities to organize, prepare and respond to COVID-19.

            It provides key steps in working to respond to COVID-19:

            1. Determine level of transmission
            2. Identify high-risk and vulnerable groups
            3. Coordinate with health authorities and other relevant actors
            4. Protect your community
            5. Communicate key messages
            6. Provide food and essential items
            7. Supply water and sanitation

            Source: CommunityFirst COVID-19 Roadmap

              Views 623

              Wearing Masks to Prevent COVID-19

              These three videos cover different aspects of wearing masks to prevent COVID-19.

              Source: Wearing Masks to Prevent COVID-19

                Views 710

                Defeating Coronavirus with Vaccines

                This video explains the science of vaccines and delves into the 3 types of vaccines being developed to combat the deadly coronavirus.

                Source: Defeating Coronavirus with Vaccines

                  Views 751

                  Montanans Wear Face Coverings

                  These posters were developed to reach people living in Montana (US) with the message that the population of that state is already used to wearing masks for their various sports activities, so wearing a mask for COVID-19 should be easy for them.

                  Source: Montanans Wear Face Coverings

                    Views 706