Who wants to be free from coronavirus infection

This video is about to stay away from unscientific and misconceptions to stay free from coronavirus infection.

Source: Who wants to be free from coronavirus infection

    Views 965

    Need to wear mask properly when you go outside

    This video is about to aware general people to wear mask properly when they go outside and, consult with a doctor when someone get corona infected.

    Source: Need to wear mask properly when you go outside

      Views 820

      Cooperation with neighbors and community engagement

      This video explains the importance of sharing the correct information about COVID-19 and promote cooperation among the community.

      Source: Cooperation with neighbors and community engagement

        Views 601

        Mental health during lockdown

        This video is about avoiding misinformation and to visit the Bangladesh government’s website to get any information about coronavirus.

        Source: Mental health during lockdown

          Views 812

          Wear a mask, stay safe

          This video explains the importance of continuing to wear a mask in public in order to slow the spread of coronavirus.

          Source: Wear a mask, stay safe

            Views 607

            Wear mask, keep myself and others safe video

            This video explains the importance of wearing a mask while in public and hand washing in order to prevent the spread of the novel coronavirus.

            Source: Wear mask, keep myself and others safe video

              Views 697

              Cooperation with community (frontline doctor)

              This video is a tribute to all of the doctors helping coronavirus patients in Bangladesh.

              Source: Cooperation with community (frontline doctor)

                Views 711