Video Tutorial for using community engagement kits on COVID-19 Vaccination
Three videos were developed to be used as online tutorials for using the Community Engagement Kits developed by Breakthrough ACTION Indonesia.
The videos is intended for health workers, cadres, volunteers, elderly caregivers and other change agents. They are intended to help strengthen their Interpersonal Communication skills (IPC) by using the community engagement kits (Flip Chart and cue cards) for COVID-19 Vaccination promotion and education. The videos combine live action footage, animation, graphics, text, and audio to create a multi-sensory learning experience.
All the content and messages are the standard messages as approved by the government of Indonesia, and have been pre-tested with the intended audiences/users. Subtitles are included to help with comprehension of the dialogue especially for people with some disabilities.
Video one is an introduction to how to use CE Kits (flip chart and cue cards) as well as an explanation regarding the structure of each part.
Video two teaches skills on interpersonal communication such as open questions, delivery key messages, and how to use probing to better understand the audience’s concerns.
Video three explains examples of ice breakers that can help people to get through difficulties in starting a session or discussion on a specific topic.
Source: Video Tutorial for using community engagement kits on COVID-19 Vaccination
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