Improving Mental Health Services in Bangladesh Through the Mental Health Gap Action Plan

In Bangladesh, mental health challenges remain unmet due to a lack of awareness, a shortage of mental health professionals and various facilities. To address the widening gap between mental health needs and the availability of mental health care professionals, Dr. Helal Uddin Ahmed, Assistant Professor of Child Adolescent and Family Psychiatry, National Institute of Mental Health worked with Breakthrough ACTION to develop a standard operating procedure for mental health and psychological support call centers. In March 2022, in consultation with the Non-Communicable Disease Control and the National Institute of Mental Health, Breakthrough ACTION organized training sessions on the mental health gap action program and the standard operating procedure, to equip doctors and counselors with mental health counseling, screening, and management skills, ensuring improved quality of mental health services that are affordable and accessible to people.

Source: Improving Mental Health Services in Bangladesh Through the Mental Health Gap Action Plan

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