The Perception of COVID-19 communication in West Africa (non-Sahel): report
Since 2011, UNESCO has launched an international, regional and national intervention on Media and Information Literacy (MIL), recognizing the primary role of information and media in everyday lives. The intervention is meant to contribute to the development of media and information literacy skills and promote best practices to analyze information critically and to navigate through the overwhelming amount of news and information available.
Under this overarching framework and as part of UNESCO’s responses to the COVID-19 ‘infodemic’, UNESCO Abuja Office initiated a survey on Perception of COVID-19 Communication in West Africa (non-Sahel). The survey was developed to understand how people in some Western African countries obtain and use the Information on COVID-19 for informed decisions.
Source: The Perception of COVID-19 communication in West Africa (non-Sahel): report
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