Sierra Leone COVID-19 Big Idea of the Week Campaign

The Big Idea of the Week delves deeper into a specific COVID-related topic. Each week, Big Idea tackles a specific area of COVID-19 and provides important information, guidelines, and messages for the public.

Breakthrough ACTION, led by Johns Hopkins Center for Communication Programs (CCP), in partnership with the Government of Sierra Leone (GoSL) National COVID-19 Emergency Response Center (NACOVERC), creates these messages. They are disseminated on the Ministry website and via the Ministry of Information and Communication’s Facebook page.

Source: Sierra Leone COVID-19 Big Idea of the Week Campaign

    Views 1141

    Association of community engagement with vaccination confidence and uptake: A cross-sectional survey in Sierra Leone, 2019

    The 2014-2016 Ebola epidemic disrupted childhood immunization in Sierra Leone, Liberia, and Guinea. After the epidemic, the Government of Sierra Leone prioritized community engagement to increase vaccination confidence and uptake. To support these efforts, we examined potential drivers of vaccination confidence and uptake in Sierra Leone.

    Source: Association of community engagement with vaccination confidence and uptake: A cross-sectional survey in Sierra Leone, 2019

      Views 876

      The Perception of COVID-19 communication in West Africa (non-Sahel): report

      Since 2011, UNESCO has launched an international, regional and national intervention on Media and Information Literacy (MIL), recognizing the primary role of information and media in everyday lives. The intervention is meant to contribute to the development of media and information literacy skills and promote best practices to analyze information critically and to navigate through the overwhelming amount of news and information available.

      Under this overarching framework and as part of UNESCO’s responses to the COVID-19 ‘infodemic’, UNESCO Abuja Office initiated a survey on Perception of COVID-19 Communication in West Africa (non-Sahel). The survey was developed to understand how people in some Western African countries obtain and use the Information on COVID-19 for informed decisions.

      Source: The Perception of COVID-19 communication in West Africa (non-Sahel): report

        Views 1182

        How Should Community Health Workers in Fragile Contexts be Supported: Qualitative Evidence from Sierra Leone, Liberia and Democratic Republic of Congo

        Community health workers (CHWs) are critical players in fragile settings, where staff shortages are particularly acute, health indicators are poor and progress towards Universal Health Coverage is slow. Like other health workers, CHWs need support to contribute effectively to health programmes and promote health equity.

        Yet the evidence base of what kind of support works best is weak. The authors present evidence from three fragile settings—Sierra Leone, Liberia and Democratic Republic of Congo on managing CHWs, and synthesise recommendations for best approaches to support this critical cadre.

        Source: How Should Community Health Workers in Fragile Contexts be Supported: Qualitative Evidence from Sierra Leone, Liberia and Democratic Republic of Congo

          Views 765