The COVID-19 Infodemic — Applying the Epidemiologic Model to Counter Misinformation

The authors of this article believe that, “the intertwining spreads of the [COVID-19] virus and of misinformation and disinformation require an approach to counteracting deceptions and misconceptions that parallels epidemiologic models by focusing on three elements: real-time surveillance, accurate diagnosis, and rapid response.”

Source: The COVID-19 Infodemic — Applying the Epidemiologic Model to Counter Misinformation

    Views 974

    An Uncertain Public — Encouraging Acceptance of COVID-19 Vaccines

    To understand public attitudes toward taking a COVID-19 vaccine and the factors likely to affect willingness to do so going forward, the authors examined 39 nationally representative, randomized polls with publicly available tabulations that were conducted between August 2020 and February 2021.

    Source: An Uncertain Public — Encouraging Acceptance of COVID-19 Vaccines

      Views 474