Resources for integrating COVID-19 vaccination into the Expanded Vaccination Program (EPI) in MALI

Resources for integrating COVID-19 vaccination into the Expanded Vaccination Program (EPI) in MALI

After the WHO’s declaration on May 5, 2023, stating that COVID-19 is no longer a public health emergency of international concern, Mali, through the Ministry of Health and Social Development, recommended in its letter No. 00001199/MSDS-CAB dated May 18, 2023, that its competent services ensure the integration of COVID-19 vaccination into routine activities.

These posters, pamphlets, and audio spots were developed by USAID, in collaboration with the National Center for Health Information, Education, and Communication(CNIECS), as part of this integration, with generous support from the American people through the Breakthrough ACTION/Mali project of the Johns Hopkins University Center for Communication Programs in Baltimore.

Source: Resources for integrating COVID-19 vaccination into the Expanded Vaccination Program


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