Increasing COVID-19 Vaccine in Botswana

Increasing COVID-19 Vaccine Uptake in Botswana Through Community Outreach and Door-to-Door Vaccination

Meeting Targets and Maintaining Epidemic Control (EpiC), a five-year global project funded by the U.S. President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) and the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), is dedicated to addressing the HIV and COVID-19 pandemics. In Botswana, EpiC is led by FHI360 with core partners Right to Care (RTC), Palladium, and Population Services International (PSI). EpiC was modified in early 2020 to include funding to prevent, prepare for, and respond to COVID-19 by supporting the Ministry of Health to bolster health systems to address the pandemic.

To address low vaccine uptake among youth and the general population in the year 2022, EpiC rolled out intensive community mobilization. The project collaborated closely with District Health Management Teams (DHMTs), local community structures, and district-level leadership to rapidly increase vaccination uptake.

This resource is a success story that outlines the strategy that was employed to roll out vaccines at the community level.

Source: Increasing COVID-19 Vaccine Uptake in Botswana Through Community Outreach and Door-to-Door Vaccination

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