
Critical Observations on and Suggested Ways Forward for Healthcare Communication during COVID-19: pEACH Position Paper

This is a position paper that presents observations relating to policy and practice in communication in healthcare related to COVID-19. The authors state that communication in healthcare and COVID-19 have a mutually influential relationship that is informed by policy and has influenced practice. The fast pace at which policies have been developed for and practice has adapted to COVID-19 necessitates critical reflection.

Evidence-based guidance for communication in healthcare in COVID-19 is central to shaping approaches to public health communication. Evidence-based guidance is also necessary for the challenges faced in communicating with patients, their families, and carers during COVID-19.

This paper provides a summary of the key areas for development in communication in healthcare during COVID-19. It offers recommendations for improvement and a call to review policies and practice to build resilience and inclusive and equitable responsiveness in communication in healthcare.

Source: Critical Observations on and Suggested Ways Forward for Healthcare Communication during COVID-19: pEACH Position Paper

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