COVID-19 vaccine promotional poster in Côte d'Ivoire

COTE D’IVOIRE: COVID-19 vaccine promotion materials

These materials originally produced in French, were developed by Breakthrough ACTION Cote d’Ivoire in conjunction with the ministry of Health and RCCE working group partners as part of a broader campaign to promote COVID-19 vaccination. While using the religious leaders, family, children, men and women pictures to deliver COVID-19 vaccination messages, we explored the theories of influence, social influence, reasoned action and planned behavior theory to address lack of knowledge, risk perception and practice.

The SBC materials include Spots, poster on the following topics:

  • All united, we will stop COVID-19
  • Half protected is not protected
  • Let’s vaccinate our children
  • Half-vaccinated is like half cut your hair
  • Full vaccinated is better protection


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