Gender norms and the coronavirus

Gender Norms and the Coronavirus

There is now emerging a wealth of commentary on the gendered implications of the coronavirus (Covid-19) pandemic. We know that crises can spur new ways of behaving, sometimes leading to shifts in gender norms and underpinning sustained change towards gender equality. But with the fast spreading coronavirus pandemic many gender inequalities have already been intensified as existing discriminatory and harmful norms continue or worsen in the face of change such as violence against women, which has intensified globally under lockdowns and in the face of economic stress.

ALIGN is currently analysing what leads to shifts in gender norms both during and after crises to enhance knowledge and innovation among our community, and we will be sharing new resources as they become available. Highlighted on this site are resources produced by ALIGN and their partners relating to Covid-19 (and non-communicable diseases more broadly) and gender norms.

Source: Gender Norms and the Coronavirus

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