Countering Stigmatization in the Humanitarian Response to COVID-19

Countering Stigmatization in the Humanitarian Response to COVID-19

Stigma related to mental health and COVID-19 can exacerbate pre-existing conditions or lead to new mental health and psycho-social problems for individuals, families, and communities.

Many humanitarian crises affect people who are traveling or who are displaced and already experiencing significant stigmatization from the host communities where they reside. Host communities have often accused displaced populations of bringing crime and disease, leaving them isolated and more vulnerable to mental health and psycho-social problems. This can exacerbate negative perceptions of—and violence against—those who have or are believed to carry the virus.

This report highlights key findings and recommendations outlined in a webinar and roundtable event hosted by the InterAction Protection Working Group in July 2020.

Source: Countering Stigmatization in the Humanitarian Response to COVID-19

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