How should community health workers in fragile contexts be supported: qualitative evidence from Sierra Leone, Liberia and Democratic Republic of Congo

How Should Community Health Workers in Fragile Contexts be Supported: Qualitative Evidence from Sierra Leone, Liberia and Democratic Republic of Congo

Community health workers (CHWs) are critical players in fragile settings, where staff shortages are particularly acute, health indicators are poor and progress towards Universal Health Coverage is slow. Like other health workers, CHWs need support to contribute effectively to health programmes and promote health equity.

Yet the evidence base of what kind of support works best is weak. The authors present evidence from three fragile settings—Sierra Leone, Liberia and Democratic Republic of Congo on managing CHWs, and synthesise recommendations for best approaches to support this critical cadre.

Source: How Should Community Health Workers in Fragile Contexts be Supported: Qualitative Evidence from Sierra Leone, Liberia and Democratic Republic of Congo

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