COVID-19 Instagram Posts: Si Toca Salir, Toca Cuidarse: If You are Visiting Family or Friends
The Breakthrough ACTION Guatemala COVID-19 Prevention Campaign developed a set of four Instagram stories to raise awareness that COVID-19 threat continues in Guatemala.
The Breakthrough ACTION Guatemala COVID-19 Prevention Campaign developed a set of four Instagram Stories to raise awareness that COVID-19 threat continues in Guatemala. The Instagram Stories remind the population that it is the responsibility of the entire family to do key prevention behaviors (Wash your hands, Maintain physical distancing, and Wear a Mask) at critical moments of elevated risk to visit family or friends, go to work, or go do daily errands. The slogan of the campaign is “Si Toca Salir, Toca Cuidarse”. Each story was contextualized for the following locations: Guatemala, Nebaj, Solola, and Totonicapan.
This suite of Instagram Stories emphasized COVID-19 prevention when visiting family or friends.
Source: COVID-19 Instagram Posts: Si Toca Salir, Toca Cuidarse: If You are Visiting Family or Friends
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