Actions to Support Media, Enhance Access to Information, and Leverage Digital Technologies in the Fight Against the Pandemic
UNESCO is the UN agency with a specific mandate to promote “free flow of ideas by word and image”. It welcomes the immense efforts of communication and information communities to tackle the current COVID-19 crisis, including:
- sharing lifesaving information, debunking misinformation,
- strengthening the implementation of the fundamental right to information,
- leveraging the use of public interest media, ICTs and OER for e-learning, and connecting people online.
UNESCO is closely monitoring the impact of this crisis on media freedom, safety of journalists, and the fundamental right to access information.
In a context of unprecedented challenges for the media and digital technology sectors, UNESCO has created a “resource center” of selected responses to COVID-19.
It includes a collection of examples of actions related to communication and information made available for the purpose of:
- Sharing practices
- Identifying priorities
- Facilitating partnerships
- Amplifying good practices
- Providing advice and technical assistance to governments and relevant national stakeholders
- Fostering North-South, South-South, and triangular cooperation
This “clearing house” provides a non-exhaustive list of illustrative examples. It will continue to evolve with the COVID-19 pandemic and the quick development of responses.
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