
Scientific Brief: Community Use of Cloth Masks to Control the Spread of SARS-CoV-2

Experimental and epidemiological data support community masking to reduce the spread of SARS-CoV-2.

The prevention benefit of masking is derived from the combination of source control and personal protection for the mask wearer. The relationship between source control and personal protection is likely complementary and possibly synergistic, so that individual benefit increases with increasing community mask use.

Further research is needed to expand the evidence base for the protective effect of cloth masks and in particular to identify the combinations of materials that maximize both their blocking and filtering effectiveness, as well as fit, comfort, durability, and consumer appeal. Adopting universal masking policies can help avert future lockdowns, especially if combined with other non-pharmaceutical interventions such as social distancing, hand hygiene, and adequate ventilation.

Source: Scientific Brief: Community Use of Cloth Masks to Control the Spread of SARS-CoV-2

    Views 567

    Breaking Down COVID-19: The COVID-19 Living Textbook

    The COVID-19 Living Textbook is prepared by 55 experts (medical doctors, social scientists, and medical students, who are experts in their field and many of them have been working on the frontline of the COVID-19 response).

    It is aimed at a wide range of audiences, including clinicians, public health specialists, social scientists, and the general public.

    Source: Breaking Down COVID-19: The COVID-19 Living Textbook

      Views 882

      Maintaining Heart Health during COVID-19

      Amid concerns that fewer people are managing their cardiovascular disease risk factors during COVID-19, CDC Foundation and Million Hearts remind Americans to focus on their heart health, especially during COVID-19.

      Source: Maintaining Heart Health During COVID-19

        Views 451

        Emergency Care for Heart Disease During COVID-19

        At least one in five expected emergency department visits for heart attack or stroke did not occur during the initial months of the COVID-19 pandemic, according to the CDC. CDC Foundation and Million Hearts remind Americans of the risks of neglecting emergency medical attention for heart attack or stroke during COVID-19.

        Source: Emergency Care for Heart Disease During COVID-19

          Views 419

          Questions and Answers about the COVID-19 Vaccine

          This page offers both the general public and health practitioners answers to basic questions about the COVID-19 vaccine. The questions include:

          • Is there a vaccine for COVID-19?
          • When will COVID-19 vaccines be ready for distribution?
          • How likely is it that safe, effective vaccines for COVID-19 will be developed?
          • How quickly could COVID-19 vaccines stop the pandemic?
          • What types of COVID-19 vaccines are being developed? How would they work?
          • How will we know if COVID-19 vaccines are safe?
          • Will other vaccines help protect me from COVID-19?
          • Will COVID-19 vaccines provide long-term protection?

          Source: Questions and Answers about the COVID-19 Vaccine

            Views 630

            How do Vaccines Work?

            This page explains the body’s response to pathogens, how vaccines help, and herd immunity.

            Germs are all around us, both in our environment and in our bodies. When a person is susceptible and they encounter a harmful organism, it can lead to disease and death.

            The body has many ways of defending itself against pathogens (disease-causing organisms). Skin, mucus, and cilia (microscopic hairs that move debris away from the lungs) all work as physical barriers to prevent pathogens from entering the body in the first place.

            When a pathogen does infect the body, our body’s defences, called the immune system, are triggered and the pathogen is attacked and destroyed or overcome.

            Source: How do Vaccines Work?

              Views 565

              An Approach for Monitoring and Evaluating Community Mitigation Strategies for COVID-19

              This document describes the approach of the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)’s approach to evaluating community mitigation strategies and provides overarching considerations to support state, territorial, or local health departments, tribal health organizations, or others in monitoring and evaluating COVID-19 community mitigation strategies, including a logic model, suggested monitoring and evaluation questions, and potential data sources.

              The approach considers outcomes that minimize COVID-19 morbidity and associated mortality, effects of community mitigation strategies on long-standing health disparities and social determinants of health, and how communities thrive socially, emotionally, and economically.

              Source: An Approach for Monitoring and Evaluating Community Mitigation Strategies for COVID-19

                Views 573

                Adapting Evaluation Designs in Times of COVID-19 (Coronavirus): Four Questions to Guide Decisions

                This is a framework organized around four questions to address the ethical, conceptual, and methodological challenges that are affecting programmatic evaluation work during the COVID-19 pandemic.

                The questions are:

                • Should you adapt your evaluation questions and scope?
                • Can you improve what remains feasible?
                • Can you find ways around what is infeasible?
                • Can you tap into alternative sources of evidence?

                Source: Adapting Evaluation Designs in Times of COVID-19 (Coronavirus): Four Questions to Guide Decisions

                  Views 625

                  COVID-19 Testing and Tracing: Message Handbook

                  For any testing and tracing strategy to work, we have to motivate people to act.

                  That’s why The Rockefeller Foundation launched the Testing & Tracing Message Handbook. This Handbook draws on insights from cognitive science, linguistics, focus groups and a nationally representative message-testing survey. It includes audience insights, tested language and science-based do’s and don’ts that public health officials can use to transform their communications.

                  This Handbook will be a living document, updated with new research and tailored messages as facts on the ground change. We’ll also be working closely with public health practitioners, to understand what they need to put the recommendations into action.

                  Source: COVID-19 Testing and Tracing: Message Handbook

                    Views 1023

                    COVID-19, Breastfeeding, Infant Feeding, and Breast Milk

                    This repository is compiled by the Johns Hopkins Center for Humanitarian Health and provides an overview of what peer-reviewed journal articles currently state on COVID-19, breastfeeding, infant feeding, and breast milk.

                    As the pandemic is ongoing, more and more research results are published. With this service, the creators aim to provide the user with a snapshot of what is published with updates every two weeks.

                    Source: COVID-19, Breastfeeding, Infant Feeding, and Breast Milk

                      Views 525