
COVID-19 Testing Communications Toolkit

The COVID-19 Testing Communications Toolkit is a free, public resource for anyone looking to communicate the importance of COVID-19 testing to communities. It is designed for use in the US, but can be used for communities in other parts of the world as well.

The toolkit includes evidence-based tutorials, handouts, and image library to help in translating public health goals into motivating, clear messages that educate the public about why, when, and where to get tested, even if they feel healthy.

Source: COVID-19 Testing Communications Toolkit

    Views 832

    COVID-19 and Breastfeeding Mothers

    This tweet from Jhpiego quotes the World Health Organization’s recommendations for pregnant women and breastfeeding women during the time of COVID-19.

    The recommendations include receiving routine care, breastfeeding counseling, and practicing good hygiene routines.

    Source: COVID-19 and Breastfeeding Mothers

      Views 747

      Infographics on COVID-19 and Immunization

      These infographics from the World Health Organization address the importance of continuing to obtain regular immunizations during the time of COVID-19. These are part of a series of infographics from WHO which can be found on the same page.

      Source: Infographics on COVID-19 and Immunization

        Views 746

        Infographics on COVID-19 and Mental Health

        These infographics from the World Health Organization address issues of mental health during the time of COVID-19. These are part of a series of infographics from WHO which can be found on the same page.

        Source: Infographics on COVID-19 and Mental Health

          Views 810

          Infographics on Addressing COVID-19 Social Stigma and Discrimination

          These infographics from the World Health Organization address issues of social stigma and discrimination around COVID-19. These are part of a series of infographics from WHO which can be found on the same page.

          Source: Infographics on Addressing COVID-19 Social Stigma and Discrimination

            Views 745

            Infographics on COVID-19 and Public Transport

            These infographics from the World Health Organization instruct the public about safe practices when using public transport during the time of COVID-19. These are part of a series of infographics from WHO which can be found on the same page.

            Source: Infographics on COVID-19 and Public Transport

              Views 616

              Infographics on COVID-19 and Ramadan

              These infographics from the World Health Organization instruct the public about safe practices during the time of COVID-19 when observing Ramadan. These are part of a series of infographics from WHO which can be found on the same page.

              Source: Infographics on COVID-19 and Ramadan

                Views 581

                Infographics on Re-opening of Workplaces

                These infographics from the World Health Organization instruct the public about precautions to take when re-entering workplaces. These are part of a series of infographics from WHO which can be found on the same page.

                Source: Infographics on Re-opening of Workplaces

                  Views 556

                  Infographics on Mask Use

                  These infographics from the World Health Organization instruct the public about mask-wearing to protect oneself and others against COVID-19 . Some of the infographics show not only how to wear the mask, but also how not to wear it. These are part of a series of infographics from WHO which can be found on the same page.

                  Source: Infographics on Mask Use

                    Views 531

                    The Story of COVID-19

                    This animation—produced in collaboration with Yoni Goodman—uses the “visible germ” to help people immediately grasp how easily the coronavirus is transmitted.

                    The film uses simple and visual ways to teach prevention practices that can help people protect themselves and others and make their communities safer.

                    Source: The Story of COVID-19

                      Views 1004