Radio Spots Encouraging Vaccine Uptake in Malawi

These radio spots promote getting the COVID-19 vaccine for various populations – elderly, youth 12-17 years and parents, young people 18-24 years, and the general public.

Views 437

Friends Radio Spot

Two friends talk about the need to protect themselves and others from COVID-19 everywhere and mention the importance of taking the booster vaccine

Views 333

Vaccine influencers video: Aires, Humberto, Wazimbo and Dany Ripanga

Digital influencers get vaccinated and appeal to the community over 18 years old to take the COVID-19 booster shot.

Source: Vaccine influencers video: Aires, Humberto, Wazimbo and Dany Ripanga

Views 664

Rapid Review: COVID-19 Vaccine Rollout Service Delivery and Integration

A systematic review of COVID-19 vaccine roll-out experiences and lessons learned is being undertaken by the World Health Organization, MOMENTUM Country and Global Leadership, and COVID GAP to produce learnings for program audiences at all levels. This slide deck is the first in a series of multiple rapid review products, highlighting learning, best practices, and recommendations for one of the eight selected themes.

Source: Rapid Review: COVID-19 Vaccine Rollout Service Delivery and Integration

    Views 772

    Leveraging community-based HIV services to reach female sex workers with the COVID-19 vaccine in Ruvuma, Tanzania

    With support from the U.S. Agency for International Development, EpiC is now leveraging its existing HIV service provision structures and personnel such as peer educators, peer navigators, community leadership, peer referrals, KP-friendly health care workers (HCWs), and education and outreach systems to optimize access to COVID-19 vaccines among Female Sex Workers (FSWs) in five of the project’s regions, including Ruvuma.

    Source: Leveraging community-based HIV services to reach female sex workers with the COVID-19 vaccine in Ruvuma, Tanzania

      Views 862

      Rapid Assessment Report: Perceptions of COVID-19 booster doses and vaccinations for the 5–11-year-old children

      Breakthrough ACTION conducted a rapid assessment in November 2022, to explore people’s perceptions about the booster doses of COVID-19 vaccines and vaccination for 5-11-year-old children in Bangladesh. The findings from the assessment informed the designing of activities for vaccine communication under CN-18.

      Source: Rapid Assessment Report: Perceptions of COVID-19 booster doses and vaccinations for the 5–11-year-old children

      Views 1214

      Primer on Digital Solutions for COVID-19 Vaccination Service Delivery

      A multi-agency initiative co-led by UNICEF and the World Health Organization, DICE provides coordinated technical assistance to national governments and partners on digital health interventions that address health priorities in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, as well as post-pandemic health system needs.

      Source: Primer on Digital Solutions for COVID-19 Vaccination Service Delivery

        Views 976

        Case Study: Niger | How the COVID-19 Response Is Strengthening the Cold Chain

        This case study illustrates how the MOMENTUM Routine Immunization Transformation and Equity project is supporting Niger in strengthening the cold chain not only for the immediate need for the COVID-19 vaccine, but also for long-term immunization support.

        Source: Case Study: Niger | How the COVID-19 Response Is Strengthening the Cold Chain

          Views 972

          Ensuring COVID-19 Vaccination for People Living with HIV and Key Populations

          This technical guide is intended to support COVID-19 vaccination programs to ensure adequate COVID-19 vaccine coverage among those most vulnerable to and living with HIV.

          These COVID-19 vaccination strategies are based on and adapted from best practices and promising innovations from decades of experience designing and implementing HIV programs with and for PLHIV and KPs. These recommendations should be implemented alongside mitigation strategies that reduce exposure to and impact of COVID-19 on HIV program beneficiaries and staff and safely maintain HIV services.

          Source: Ensuring COVID-19 Vaccination for People Living with HIV and Key Populations

            Views 828

            Leaflet to raise COVID-19 awareness in Niger

            Dépliant pour la sensibilisation sur la COVID-19 au Niger.

            Ce dépliant a été conçu pour appuyer la Direction des Immunisations du Ministère de la Santé dans le cadre de la sensibilisation sur la COVID-19 au Niger.

            Source: Leaflet to raise COVID-19 awareness in Niger

            Views 908