Breakthrough ACTION Campagne d’immunisation/de vaccination pour la Coupe d’Afrique des Nations – Guide des événements communautaires

Ce guide est conçu pour aider les communautés à planifier et à organiser leurs propres événements communautaires et soirées de visionnage pendant les matchs de la CAN 2023 (organisés du 13 janvier au 11 février 2024) afin de promouvoir la vaccination contre la COVID-19 et les vaccins tout au long de la vie. Le guide comporte trois sections – ce qu’il faut faire avant, pendant et après l’événement – ainsi que des listes de contrôle pour chacune d’entre elles.

Le guide des événements communautaires fait partie d’une campagne globale menée par Breakthrough ACTION, qui comprend également des spots télévisés et radiophoniques, un guide des événements communautaires et un guide des médias sociaux.

Guide des événements communautaires

    Views 790

    Breakthrough ACTION Campanha de Imunização da Taça das Nações Africanas – Guia de eventos comunitários

    Este guia foi concebido para ajudar as comunidades a planear e organizar os seus próprios eventos comunitários e festas de assistência durante os jogos da AFCON de 2023 (realizados de 13 de janeiro a 11 de fevereiro de 2024) para promover a vacinação contra a COVID-19 e as vacinas ao longo da vida. O guia tem três secções — o que fazer antes, durante e depois do evento — juntamente com listas de verificação para cada uma delas.

    O Guia de Eventos Comunitários faz parte de uma campanha global liderada pela Breakthrough ACTION, que inclui também anúncios televisivos, anúncios radiofónicos, um guia de eventos comunitários e um guia de redes sociais.

    Guia de eventos comunitários


      Views 414

      Community Events Guide for Vaccination Campaign during AFCON

      This guide is designed to help communities to plan and host their own community events and watch parties during the 2023 AFCON games (held from January 13 – February 11, 2024) to promote regular COVID-19 vaccination and routine childhood vaccination to protect the most vulnerable. The guide has three sections -what to do before, during, and after the event- along with checklists for each. 

      The Community Events Guide is part of an overall campaign led by Breakthrough ACTION which also includes TV spots, radio spots, a community events guide, and a social media guide.

      Link to guide

      The Community Events Guide is available in French and Portuguese.

      Views 944

      Interpersonal Communication and Counseling: Improving Dialogue About COVID-19 Vaccination and Other Sensitive Topics

      The rollout of the COVID-19 vaccine has highlighted the need for improved interpersonal counseling and communication (IPCC). Mis- and disinformation has muddled COVID-19 messaging, meaning that health providers have to spend extra time communicating with and counseling clients on vaccine side effects, risks, and benefits to ensure their concerns are addressed.

      This course is intended for all health workers that interface with clients, including both in the health facility and at community-level. It offers an introduction and overview of IPCC, and techniques for counseling clients and countering myths and misinformation on an interpersonal level. Participants will learn how to better communicate with clients, as well as how to properly counsel clients to encourage behavior change. The course introduces new IPCC-related skills, provides a framework for sensitive counseling sessions, offers interactive exercises to practice these new skills, and includes job aids that can be printed and used in any counseling setting. Though the course focuses on counseling related to COVID-19 vaccination, it is widely applicable and useful for providers working in any health topic, from routine immunization to family planning to other health emergencies.


      Views 1132

      Operational Framework for Demand Promotion – Integration

      The Operational Framework is a starting point to strategize demand programming for integrated COVID-19 vaccination. The framework uses the core components of vaccination demand to help guide thinking along a strategic pathway that is broad and flexible enough to be applied to any country situation.

      Source: Operational Framework for Demand Promotion – Integration

        Views 894

        Guidelines for Dialogue: Talking to the General Public About COVID-19

        This guide presents a series of recommendations aimed at facilitating the dialogue between health personnel in charge of COVID-19 vaccination and information sessions and the general public. Listening to their concerns and informing them with clarity and simplicity, in a respectful and empathetic atmosphere, are undoubtedly the keys to a dialogue that will allow to continue promoting vaccination among the population.

        Source: Guidelines for Dialogue: Talking to the General Public About COVID-19

          Views 1230

          Guidelines for Dialogue: Vaccination during Pregnancy

          This guide is based on the observation that pregnancy is one of the risk factors for COVID-19 and offers the necessary recommendations to help pregnant women go through this important stage of their lives with the best health guarantees.

          Source: Guidelines for Dialogue: Vaccination during Pregnancy

            Views 854

            Ensuring COVID-19 Vaccination for People Living with HIV and Key Populations

            This technical guide is intended to support COVID-19 vaccination programs to ensure adequate COVID-19 vaccine coverage among those most vulnerable to and living with HIV.

            These COVID-19 vaccination strategies are based on and adapted from best practices and promising innovations from decades of experience designing and implementing HIV programs with and for PLHIV and KPs. These recommendations should be implemented alongside mitigation strategies that reduce exposure to and impact of COVID-19 on HIV program beneficiaries and staff and safely maintain HIV services.

            Source: Ensuring COVID-19 Vaccination for People Living with HIV and Key Populations

              Views 816

              Mental Health GAP Intervention Guide

              The ‘mhGAP Intervention Guide (mhGAP-IG) for mental, neurological and substance use (MNS) disorders in non-specialist health settings’ is for use by doctors, nurses, other health workers as well as health planners and managers. The Intervention Guide presents the integrated management of priority MNS conditions using algorithms for clinical decision making. Additionally, it comprises a streamlined and simplified clinical assessment that includes an algorithm for follow-up; modules on Essential Care and Practice, Psychoses, Child and Adolescent Mental and Behavioural Disorders and Disorders due to Substance Use.

              Source: Mental Health GAP Intervention Guide

              Views 422