A Guide to WHO’s Guidance on COVID-19

Since January 2020, WHO has published more than 100 documents about COVID-19. Of these, more than half are detailed technical guidance, on how to find and test cases, how to provide safe and appropriate care for people depending on the severity of their illness, how to trace and quarantine contacts, how to prevent transmission from one person to another, how to protect health care workers, and how to help communities to respond appropriately.

This page offers a summary of some of the documents WHO has developed for COVID-19 and how they can be used.

Source: A Guide to WHO’s Guidance on COVID-19

    Views 669

    Ajustement à bases factuelles des mesures de santé publique et des mesures sociales

    Un rapport de lignes directrices provisoires pour les États membres de la région africaine de l’OMS concernant la santé publique et les mesures sociales pour prévenir la propagation des COVID-19.

    Source: Ajustement à bases factuelles des mesures de santé publique et des mesures sociales

      Views 649

      Home-Based Care Reference Guide for COVID-19

      This guide provides recommendations to nonprofits, Red Cross Red Crescent network and community organizations who are designing programs and materials in response to COVID-19 in low- and middle-income countries.

      The working group designed it as a supplemental tool for organizations working specifically with community health workers (CHWs) (including trained community health volunteers) as they are reaching households, however the content can be adapted for other purposes.

      This guide focuses on three main areas: how to support a person whose condition warrants home care because of non-severe symptoms and home care is recommended by local jurisdictions; how to prevent the spread of COVID-19 in the home; and how to provide emotional support to family members. While this manual provides information on danger signs of COVID-19, it should not be used as a guide for when and how a person who has COVID-19 (or its symptoms) should seek medical care. All content adapted to different countries should reflect local policy guidelines and recommendations.

      Source: Home-Based Care Reference Guide for COVID-19

        Views 598

        YouTube as a Source of Patient Information for Coronavirus Disease (COVID ‐19): A Content‐Quality and Audience Engagement Analysis

        YouTube is the second most popular website in the world and is increasingly being used as a platform for disseminating health information. The authors’ aim was to evaluate the content‐quality and audience engagement of YouTube videos pertaining to the SARS (severe acute respiratory syndrome)‐CoV‐2 virus which causes the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID‐19), during the early phase of the pandemic.

        They chose the first 30 videos for seven different search phrases: “2019 nCoV,” “SARS CoV‐2,” “COVID‐19 virus,” “coronavirus treatment,” “coronavirus explained,” “what is the coronavirus” and “coronavirus information.” Video contents were evaluated by two independent medical students with more than 5 years of experience using the DISCERN instrument. Qualitative data, quantitative data and upload source for each video was noted for a quality and audience engagement analysis.

        Out of the total 210 videos, 137 were evaluated. The mean DISCERN score was 31.33 out of 75 possible points, which indicates that the quality of YouTube videos on COVID‐19 is currently poor. There was excellent reliability between the two raters (intraclass correlation coefficient = 0.96). 55% of the videos discussed prevention, 49% discussed symptoms and 46% discussed the spread of the virus.

        Most of the videos were uploaded by news channels (50%) and education channels (40%). The quality of YouTube videos on SARS‐CoV‐2 and COVID‐19 is poor, however, the authors have listed the top‐quality videos in their article as they may be effective tools for patient education during the pandemic.

        Source: YouTube as a Source of Patient Information for Coronavirus Disease (COVID ‐19): A Content‐Quality and Audience Engagement Analysis

          Views 1027

          How the Virus Won

          This interactive graphic moves through the timeline of COVID-19 in the United States and shows via a map how and where the virus spread.

          Source: How the Virus Won

            Views 664

            Local Media and Community Engagement in Humanitarian Settings

            In an information climate as complex as that surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic, local information plays a vital role in determining how communities respond to public health orders and guidance.

            Alongside the current restrictions we are all subject to, the need for information – especially among vulnerable and marginalized groups – is greater than ever before. People need simple, practical information to protect themselves, their families, and communities . They also need ways to elevate their voices and concerns.

            In this guide, lnternews lays out an approach to community engagement involving a range of mechanisms that are alternatives to face-to-face. Given the current pandemic context, we are required to adapt our trusted Communicating with Communities methodologies to ensure people have access to information that responds directly to their questions and concerns, thus tackling misinformation and dispelling rumors.

            Source: Local Media and Community Engagement in Humanitarian Settings

              Views 649

              Understanding the COVID-19 Pandemic Insights from Johns Hopkins University Experts

              This is a free, publicly available course entitled Understanding the COVID-19 Pandemic: Insights from Johns Hopkins University Experts. This course is set up as a series of short modules to explore the COVID-19 pandemic. Registration is not required. The modules build on each other. The course begins with a discussion of the virus that causes COVID-19 and works its way to the pandemic’s broader implications for society.

              This course features original content that was created after the imposition of social distancing measures.

              Upon completing this course, you will be able to:

              • Describe characteristics of the COVID-19 virus, including how it is diagnosed and treated
              • Understand the development of the COVID-19 pandemic, and emerging trends throughout the world
              • Discuss societal challenges raised by COVID-19 and opportunities to address them

              Source: Understanding the COVID-19 Pandemic Insights from Johns Hopkins University Experts

                Views 652

                Coronavirus Pandemic: Tracking the Global Outbreak

                This series of maps and charts tracks the global outbreak of the virus since it emerged in China in December of 2019. It is updated several times each day.

                Source: Coronavirus Pandemic: Tracking the Global Outbreak

                  Views 669