
Breakthrough ACTION Campagne d’immunisation/de vaccination pour la Coupe d’Afrique des Nations – Guide des événements communautaires

Ce guide est conçu pour aider les communautés à planifier et à organiser leurs propres événements communautaires et soirées de visionnage pendant les matchs de la CAN 2023 (organisés du 13 janvier au 11 février 2024) afin de promouvoir la vaccination contre la COVID-19 et les vaccins tout au long de la vie. Le guide comporte trois sections – ce qu’il faut faire avant, pendant et après l’événement – ainsi que des listes de contrôle pour chacune d’entre elles.

Le guide des événements communautaires fait partie d’une campagne globale menée par Breakthrough ACTION, qui comprend également des spots télévisés et radiophoniques, un guide des événements communautaires et un guide des médias sociaux.

Guide des événements communautaires

    Views 932

    Affiches pour la promotion de la vaccination durant la CAN au Cameroun

    Ces trois affiches immortalisent la joie des supporters de football camerounais qui soutiennent leur équipe lors de la Coupe d’Afrique des Nations 2023, tout en promouvant la vaccination systématique des enfants et la vaccination régulière contre le COVID-19 pour protéger les personnes les plus vulnérables. Les affiches font partie d’une campagne mondiale qui comprend des spots télévisés, des spots radio, des soirées de visionnage de match et des guides pour les réseaux sociaux. La campagne est en 5 langues (anglais, français, swahili, pidgin et portugais) et a été développée par Breakthrough ACTION.

    Poster 1

    Poster 2

    Poster 3

    These posters are also available for Cameroon in English


    Views 519

    Spots radio pour la promotion de la vaccination pendant la Coupe d’Afrique des nations – Cameroun

    Ces deux spots radio visent à promouvoir la vaccination de routine et le vaccin COVID-19 pendant la CAN 2023, en mettant en scène des présentateurs sportifs célèbres. Ils ont pour but de motiver les hommes à s’assurer que leurs familles et leurs proches disposent de tous les vaccins dont ils ont besoin.  Les spots radio sont une composante d’une campagne globale qui comprend des spots télévisés, des spots radio, une soirée de surveillance et des guides pour les réseaux sociaux. La campagne est disponible en 5 langues (anglais, français, swahili, pidgin et portugais) et a été conçue par Breakthrough ACTION.

    Radio spot 1

    Radio spot 2

    These spots are also available for Cameroon in English


    Views 467

    Des spots télévisés pour la promotion de la vaccination pendant la Coupe d’Afrique des nations (CAN) Cameroun

    Ces deux messages télévisés visent à promouvoir la vaccination de routine et COVID-19 lors de la CAN 2023. Ils visent à encourager les hommes à s’assurer que leurs familles et leurs proches disposent de tous les vaccins dont ils ont besoin.   Les vidéos font partis d’une campagne globale qui comprend des spots télévisés, des spots radio, des guides pour des évènements jour de match et des guides pour les réseaux sociaux. La campagne est disponible en 5 langues (anglais, français, swahili, pidgin et portugais) et a été conçue par Breakthrough ACTION.

    Link to:

    TV Spot 1

    TV Spot 2

    These spots are also available for Cameroon in English



    Views 528

    Interpersonal Communication and Counseling: Improving Dialogue About COVID-19 Vaccination and Other Sensitive Topics

    The rollout of the COVID-19 vaccine has highlighted the need for improved interpersonal counseling and communication (IPCC). Mis- and disinformation has muddled COVID-19 messaging, meaning that health providers have to spend extra time communicating with and counseling clients on vaccine side effects, risks, and benefits to ensure their concerns are addressed.

    This course is intended for all health workers that interface with clients, including both in the health facility and at community-level. It offers an introduction and overview of IPCC, and techniques for counseling clients and countering myths and misinformation on an interpersonal level. Participants will learn how to better communicate with clients, as well as how to properly counsel clients to encourage behavior change. The course introduces new IPCC-related skills, provides a framework for sensitive counseling sessions, offers interactive exercises to practice these new skills, and includes job aids that can be printed and used in any counseling setting. Though the course focuses on counseling related to COVID-19 vaccination, it is widely applicable and useful for providers working in any health topic, from routine immunization to family planning to other health emergencies.


    Views 1203

    Posters to Promote COVID-19 Vaccination to Specific Groups in Mali

    In support of national authorities, BA-Mali with the Risk Communication Thematic Group has developed 4 posters for specific groups such as pregnant women, breastfeeding women, the elderly, and children and adolescents to promote vaccination against COVID-19. These posters are made available to all partners with possible variations in Kakemonos and posters for social networks.

    Views 741

    Who are we and what are we doing to prevent COVID-19?

    The Breakthrough ACTION Mali team presented this poster on the project’s activities to combat COVID-19 at the the 6th Conference of the African Epidemiology Association (AfEA) and the 1st congress of the Société Malienne d’Épidémiologie (SOMEPI) held from October 25 to 27, 2023.

    Source: Who are we and what are we doing to prevent COVID-19?

    Views 468

    Rumor Tracking and Infodemic Management in Public Health Emergencies

    The overabundance of health information—including rumors and misinformation on and offline—has been a growing challenge across the world. This situation, called an infodemic, requires public health officials and health providers to work even harder to provide the public with accurate, up-to-date information.

    This course is intended for risk communication and community engagement program implementers and other professionals working to identify and respond to emerging rumors. It offers an overview of the theory and practice of creating an infodemic management system, including step-by-step instructions, case studies, and links to additional tools. Participants will learn key definitions, consider how to conduct an infodemic landscaping analysis, and select sources of rumor data. The course modules also cover a variety of analysis techniques, strategies for addressing misinformation, and considerations for monitoring and evaluating infodemic management efforts.

    Views 637

    Designing Social and Behavior Change Solutions to Support Pediatric COVID-19 Vaccine Uptake: A Technical Brief

    As countries continue to expand eligibility for COVID-19 vaccination, programs will benefit from considering how efforts to encourage pediatric vaccine uptake may differ from supporting uptake in the broader population. This brief guides practitioners and policymakers through applying a behavioral design approach to developing tailored social and behavior change solutions.


    Views 1084

    New online toolkit about audience segmentation for vaccination

    Breakthrough ACTION is excited to share a toolkit about audience segmentation for vaccination, as a part of the newly launched SBC Learning Central platform. This course is also available in French.

    This toolkit is intended for use by social and behavioral change communication professionals to encourage vaccine acceptance and uptake by employing segmentation based on attitudes and behaviors of their target populations. The goals of this toolkit are to:

    • Familiarize toolkit users with the concept of segmentation and how it can be employed to target messaging during epidemics;
    • Provide resources for policy-makers and implementers;
    • Support preparedness efforts to protect against and anticipate needs in the next pandemic.

    Source: New on line toolkit about audience segmentation for vaccination

    Views 604