COVID-19 24/7 Parenting Resources in 70 Languages

COVID-19 24/7 Parenting Resources in 70 Languages

Parenting for Lifelong Health provides open-access online parenting resources during COVID-19. These tip sheets are available in 70 languages.

The tip sheets cover the following topics:

  1. Keeping children safe online
  2. Family budgeting in times of financial stress
  3. Family harmony at home
  4. Learning through Play
  5. When we get angry
  6. Crowded homes and communities
  7. One-on-one time
  8. Keeping it positive
  9. Structure Up
  10. Bad behavior
  11. Keep calm and manage stress
  12. Talking about COVID-19

Source: COVID-19 24/7 Parenting Resources in 70 Languages

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