Autocolante Aalunos

Autocolante para os alunos colarem em seus cadernos. Os fara lembrar que a COVID-19 ainda não acabou! e como devem se prevenir.

Fonte: Autocolante Aalunos

    Views 1082

    Vídeos de prevenção e vacinação – Prevention and Vaccination Videos (Mozambique)

    PIRCOM produced videos, using religious leaders from different congregations, to disseminate key prevention messages with 12 spots and 2 vaccination and COVID-19 spots.

    Source: Prevention and Vaccination Video (Mozambique)

      Views 792

      “Esta nas nossas mãos” (“It’s in our hands”) COVID-19 Campaign

      Since the COVID-19 was declared a pandemic by the WHO in 2020, the USAID-funded Breakthrough ACTION project has been supporting Mozambique’s Ministry of Health (MOH) with risk communication and community engagement activities to disseminate timely and appropriate COVID-19 prevention messages and, recently, to address vaccine hesitancy among the general population.

      “Está nas nossas mãos” (It’s in our hands) was the first nationwide communication campaign undertaken by the Breakthrough ACTION and the Ministry of Health to raise public awareness, promote prevention and vaccination against COVID-19 in Mozambique  The campaign was largely supported by other implementation partners and local media.

      The campaign is based on a series of animated video spots on COVID-19, using simple messages with a set of graceful, fun and popular cartoon characters developed locally, as a way to reverse audience fatigue, regain people’s attention and help reduce the fear caused by COVID-19.


        Views 658

        Community Health Worker Knowledge, Attitudes and Practices towards COVID-19: Learnings from an Online Cross-sectional Survey using a Digital Health Platform, UpSCALE, in Mozambique

        This article discusses a Knowledge, Attitudes, and Practices (KAP) survey concerning Mozambique Community Health Workers’ knowledge of COVID-19 symptoms, transmission routes and appropriate mitigation measures. The results from the survey were used to develop COVID-19 awareness and education materials.

        Source: Community Health Worker Knowledge, Attitudes and Practices towards COVID-19: Learnings from an Online Cross-sectional Survey using a Digital Health Platform, UpSCALE, in Mozambique

          Views 750