Internews COVID-19 Microsite

With funding from the H2H Network, Internews is responding to the spread of COVID-19 by combatting the spread of rumours and misinformation. This project aims to support busy newsrooms/journalists  with the resources and content they need to responsibly address misinformation in this crisis.

This project is in partnership with BBC Media ActionTranslators without Borders and Evidence Aid. With valuable support from Standby Task Force and Anthrologica.

The goals of the project are to:

  • Help journalists respond to misinformation with verified information from sources they can trust
  • Translate quality COVID-19 resources into local languages
  • Create engaging content to respond to community information gaps

Source: Internews COVID-19 Microsite

    Views 600

    UNICEF India COVID-19 Materials for the Public

    This site offers the complete set of COVID-19 materials developed for the Indian general public.

    Source: UNICEF India COVID-19 Materials for the Public

      Views 836

      Public Health Communication in Time of Crisis: Readability of On-Line COVID-19 Information

      The purpose of this study was to assess the readability of information on the Internet posted about coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) to determine how closely these materials are written to the recommended reading levels.

      Using the search term “coronavirus,” information posted on the first 100 English language websites was identified. Using an online readability calculator, multiple readability tests were conducted to ensure a comprehensive representation would result.

      The authors concluded that messages about COVID-19 must be readable at an “easy” level, and must contain clear guidelines for behavior. The degree to which individuals seek information in response to risk messages is positively related to the expectation that the information will resolve uncertainty. However, if the information is too complex to interpret and it fails to lead to disambiguation, this can contribute to feelings of panic.

      Source: Public Health Communication in Time of Crisis: Readability of On-Line COVID-19 Information

        Views 837

        Including people with disabilities in responses to the COVID-19 pandemic

        This document provides practical guidance for development partners to develop disability-inclusive responses to the COVID-19 pandemic. Recommendations are provided across nine key areas: intersectionality; assessing gaps and needs; engaging people with disabilities and DPOs; accessible and inclusive communications; healthcare and essential services; livelihoods and social protection; education; independent living and housing; and evidence generation. The recommendations are drawn from key resources, detailed at the end of this document, and guidance developed by Sightsavers’ technical teams.

          Views 899

          Learning Resources to Support Staff during the COVID-19 Pandemic – and Beyond

 [], a signature program of the Cornerstone OnDemand Foundation, is an open online learning community built to empower humanitarians working in relief and development.

          In order to support the workforce of the non-profit sector and NGOs during the current pandemic, they have created a new collection of short, engaging resources grouped in easy-to-navigate playlists, with content from top training providers (such as the Konterra Group, EJ4 or for French-speakers Institut Bioforce) and health specialists (like WHO and CDC). These playlists offer content to help everyone work safely, and to promote infection prevention, preparedness, and well-being during this pandemic. The collection also includes resources to support remote workers and the creation of engaging webcasts and online presentations.

          All these resources are available in English and they have also a French playlist. Access is free and unlimited – just create an account on

          Below are landing pages for specific playlists:
          Coronavirus Playlist

          Working Remotely

          COVID-19 Playlist (for Health Care Workers)

          Hand Washing Techniques

          Source: Learning Resources to Support Staff during the COVID-19 Pandemic – and Beyond

            Views 1060

            COVID-19 Crisis Comms Triage Kit

            The Communications Network created this site to share and crowdsource best practices, resources, and examples of effective crisis communication from foundations and nonprofits covering the pandemic.

            Users are encouraged to add their own information about upcoming events, seminars, webinars, and resources.

            Source: COVID-19 Crisis Comms Triage Kit

              Views 1078

              COVID-19 and Family Planning Resource Center

              The COVID-19 pandemic has had and will continue to have a profound impact on the lives of people across the globe, as well as health and social systems, and national economies. This upheaval will also have a profound impact on access to family planning information and services, as well as sexual and reproductive health more broadly.

              Despite this disruption, the need for family planning will not change. For women, family planning is critical, basic health care. As health systems shift to prevent and treat people with COVID-19, it is essential they also protect access to family planning services. Throughout the crisis, Family Planning 2020 will work with country and global partners to ensure family planning remains an essential element of the global health agenda.

              As countries determine how to deliver essential health services in the face of a global pandemic, FP2020 has created this platform to ensure key information from global experts about access to family planning during this crisis is getting into the hands of the decisionmakers and program implementers who need it. Likewise, we will be sharing experiences of our country partners and the lessons they are learning, including how the virus is having an impact on their work and the strategies they are using to continue service delivery.

              Source: COVID-19 and Family Planning Resource Center

                Views 832

                COVID-19 Toolbox

                This toolbox offers resources on general guidance for COVID-19, as well as specific guidance for clinical aspects, public health, communication, and guidance for clinical aspects, public health, communication, and guidance for different audiences.

                Source: COVID-19 Toolbox

                  Views 853

                  Integrating Gender in the COVID-19 RCCE Response: Technical Brief

                  Integrating gender into the COVID-19 risk communication and community engagement (RCCE) response demands consideration of how gender norms and roles, as well as inequitable power dynamics and decision-making, influence people’s experiences and needs at all stages. This technical brief provides practical recommendations to integrate gender across the six pillars of the RCCE response.

                  Source: Integrating Gender in the COVID-19 RCCE Response – Technical Brief

                    Views 753