COVID-19 Communications: Promoting Prevention Measures and Vaccine Confidence

The National Foundation for Infectious Diseases (NFID) convened a multidisciplinary group of experts at a virtual roundtable in January 2021 to share research, insights, and best practices for improving and harmonizing communication to the public about the evolving COVID-19 pandemic and the importance of following evidence-based public health prevention measures.

Source: COVID-19 Communications: Promoting Prevention Measures and Vaccine Confidence

    Views 807

    Vaccine Confidence Message Brief

    In order to get Americans vaccinated quickly, we need to understand the motivations and hesitations behind getting vaccinated.

    We are launching the Vaccine Confidence Message Brief to explore what motivates high-priority audiences to get the Covid-19 vaccine. We conducted both a national message testing study and focus groups among people expressing concerns about getting the vaccine—including healthcare workers and K-12 teachers. The brief includes high-level audience insights and message recommendations, aimed at motivating audiences to take action. Additionally, it offers tailored communications to reach communities of color.

    This brief will be updated with additional research and insights as we learn more about what public health practitioners need to motivate audiences and what barriers stand in the way.

    We won’t get everyone vaccinated overnight, but we need to make sure we reach all audiences so we can end the pandemic equitably and quickly.

    Source: Vaccine Confidence Message Brief

      Views 1008

      Four messages that can increase uptake of the COVID-19 vaccines

      More than one in four people in the US say they are unwilling to get the COVID-19 vaccine. That statistic is especially concerning because many are from the communities that have been hit hardest by the pandemic. There is an urgent public health need, therefore, not only for the vaccine itself but also for effective messaging to ensure uptake. This is the question we addressed in our latest US trial in which we tested four messages to see their effects on vaccine uptake.

      Source: Four messages that can increase uptake of the COVID-19 vaccines

        Views 762

        Vaccine Messaging Guide

        This Guide was developed by the Yale Institute of Global Health and the UNICEF Demand for Immunization team. It is intended for public health professionals, communicators, advocates and anyone else who wishes to create pro-vaccine content to motivate people to vaccinate themselves and their entourage.

        An increasing body of formative research has identified a complex mix of determinants of people’s vaccine decisions, however there remains a paucity of implementation research that has applied these insights to the design and testing of messaging interventions.

        Every recommendation herein is based on the current evidence, but the authors encourage users to test all content for behavior-related outcomes.

        Source: Vaccine Messaging Guide

          Views 918

          Can Technology Increase COVID-19 Vaccination Rates?

          The WHO Digital Health Flagship initiative has stated that digital technology could play a critical role during the COVID-19 pandemic by improving communications between people and health services, empowering individuals and patients, and strengthening critical public health functions including disease surveillance. The authors of this article ask whether technology also help build trust and promote vaccination within communities that are most at risk.

          Source: Can Technology Increase COVID-19 Vaccination Rates?

            Views 563

            Why Vaccine Inequality is our Biggest COVID-19 Communication Challenge Yet

            This paper explores the global south’s inequity of access to COVID-19 vaccines and related communication challenges. The paper also questions how we can split our focus to, on one hand, engage with communities to ensure they understand how vaccine prioritization will be made, to also then manage expectations of access, while still addressing the perception that the pandemic is over when vaccination begins.

            Source: Why Vaccine Inequality is our Biggest COVID-19 Communication Challenge Yet

              Views 879

              Innoculating against COVID-19 Vaccine Misinformation

              The authors of this article state that confronting COVID-19 vaccine misinformation necessitates pre-emptive action to “immunize the public against misinformation”—a process that draws on the concept of psychological inoculation.

              Source: Innoculating against COVID-19 Vaccine Misinformation

                Views 575

                Guide for the Preparation of a Risk Communication Strategy for COVID-19 Vaccines: A Resource for the Countries of the Americas

                This document was created to facilitate the preparation of a risk communication and community engagement strategy for vaccination against COVID-19.

                Its goal is to help to strengthen the communication and planning capacities of the ministries or secretariats of health and other agencies in charge of communicating about new COVID-19 vaccines in the Americas.

                It also includes a matrix for the preparation of a risk communication strategy for COVID-19 vaccines.

                Source: Guide for the Preparation of a Risk Communication Strategy for COVID-19 Vaccines: A Resource for the Countries of the Americas

                  Views 632

                  La Vérité sur la Covid-19, Combattre la désinformation au Sahel

                  Le Timbuktu Institute, en partenariat avec le CESTI et Sayara International, lance ce jour la campagne “La Vérité sur la Covid-19, Combattre la désinformation au Sahel.

                  Du Sénégal au Soudan, en passant par le Mali, la Mauritanie, le Niger, le Burkina Faso, le Tchad et le Nord-Cameroon, cette campagne combine recherche de terrain, veille médiatique, formation des journalistes et production de contenus éducatifs.

                  Elle vise à équiper citoyens, journalistes et influenceurs avec les outils nécessaires pour faire face à la vague de désinformation qui accompagne la pandémie de coronavirus au Sahel.

                  Source: La Vérité sur la Covid-19, Combattre la désinformation au Sahel

                    Views 1038