COVID-19 Resources for India: Be a Part of the Solution

Through this toolkit, the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health – India Research Center and Project SANCHAR aim to provide partners, affiliates, and citizens with shareable easy-to-understand facts, myth-busters, and guidelines on COVID-19 prevention and mitigation and on maintaining physical and emotional wellbeing.

Source: COVID-19 Resources for India: Be a Part of the Solution

    Views 1198

    One Link Many Resources: For Journalists and the Media

    This is a COVID-19 resource repository by Internews. Resources include: Internews’ approach to COVID-19, The Internews COVID-19 Glossary, More info about the Pandemic Media Mentors, and more.

    Source: One Link Many Resources

      Views 543

      Managing Misinformation in a Humanitarian Context

      Internews first developed rumor tracking methodology in 2014 in Liberia, in order to address the deadly Ebola outbreak. Since then, they have implemented rumor tracking as a way to address misinformation during humanitarian crises in numerous countries and contexts, reaching hundreds of thousands of beneficiaries.

      The rumor tracking methodology includes three parts: Context, Case Studies, and a How To Guide.

      Source: Managing Misinformation in a Humanitarian Context

        Views 505

        Go Viral!

        GO VIRAL! is a 5-minute game that helps protect the public against COVID-19 misinformation.

        The players learn about some of the most common strategies used to spread false and misleading information about the virus. Understanding these tricks allows the public to resist them the next time they come across them online.

        Source: Go Viral!

          Views 827

          La Vérité sur la Covid-19, Combattre la désinformation au Sahel

          Le Timbuktu Institute, en partenariat avec le CESTI et Sayara International, lance ce jour la campagne “La Vérité sur la Covid-19, Combattre la désinformation au Sahel.

          Du Sénégal au Soudan, en passant par le Mali, la Mauritanie, le Niger, le Burkina Faso, le Tchad et le Nord-Cameroon, cette campagne combine recherche de terrain, veille médiatique, formation des journalistes et production de contenus éducatifs.

          Elle vise à équiper citoyens, journalistes et influenceurs avec les outils nécessaires pour faire face à la vague de désinformation qui accompagne la pandémie de coronavirus au Sahel.

          Source: La Vérité sur la Covid-19, Combattre la désinformation au Sahel

            Views 963

            5 Ways to Use Sensitivity When Writing About Vaccines

            This blog explains that health professionals need to approach their patients who are opposed to vaccination with understanding and patience.

            They should anticipate vaccine-related questions and suggest five ways to deal with the patients:

            1. Knowledge Management: An Effective Tool to Stem Vaccine Hesitancy
            2. Contain Vaccination Misinformation
            3. Find a new way to tell the “this is why vaccines are important” story
            4. Use Your Platform to Educate About the Benefit of Vaccines
            5. Identify Pro-Immunization Spokespeople

            Source: 5 Ways to Use Sensitivity When Writing About Vaccines

              Views 782

              Inside the Mind of an Anti-vaxxer

              This article describes the attitude of the many individuals in the US who are against vaccination and details steps that can be taken to change their attitudes and behavior.

              The various options of changing people’s attitudes toward vaccinations are discussed.

              Source: Inside the Mind of an Anti-vaxxer

                Views 573

                Tips for Professional Reporting on COVID-19 Vaccines

                Journalists play a vital role in informing the public on science, specifically vaccine, developments, in an unprecedented period of scientific publishing.

                The situation is constantly evolving but there are some general guidelines that should be followed whenever possible:

                • Don’t just report the topline
                • Don’t trust data automatically
                • Use trusted and reliable sources
                • State the source
                • Define the terms
                • Use clear language
                • Explain the stage
                • Report the numbers
                • Disclose the side effects
                • Use appropriate imagery
                • Don’t forget demographics
                • Remind everyone of the benefits of vaccines

                Tackle vaccine hesitancy by reporting facts and figures on vaccine efficacy in ending epidemics throughout history.

                Source: Tips for Professional Reporting on COVID-19 Vaccines

                  Views 534

                  Daily Activities and Going Out

                  This page offers advice on going out of the home during the time of COVID-19.

                  The following guidelines are offered:

                  • In general, the more closely you interact with others and the longer that interaction, the higher the risk of COVID-19 spread.
                  • If you decide to engage in public activities, continue to protect yourself by practicing everyday preventive actions.
                  • Keep these items on hand when venturing out: a face mask, tissues, and a hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol, if possible.

                  Source: Daily Activities and Going Out

                    Views 652

                    Infographics on COVID-19 and Mental Health

                    These infographics from the World Health Organization address issues of mental health during the time of COVID-19. These are part of a series of infographics from WHO which can be found on the same page.

                    Source: Infographics on COVID-19 and Mental Health

                      Views 785