Beds inquiry for COVID-19 patients

This is a website by Nepal’s health ministry that shows hospital bed and ICU availability for COVID-19 patients.

Source: Beds inquiry for COVID-19 patients

    Views 551

    COVID-19 Resources for India: Be a Part of the Solution

    Through this toolkit, the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health – India Research Center and Project SANCHAR aim to provide partners, affiliates, and citizens with shareable easy-to-understand facts, myth-busters, and guidelines on COVID-19 prevention and mitigation and on maintaining physical and emotional wellbeing.

    Source: COVID-19 Resources for India: Be a Part of the Solution

      Views 1206

      Nepal COVID-19 Resources

      This page offers materials produced by the Ministry of Health in Nepal in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

      The page includes print materials, audio, and reports.

      Source: Nepal COVID-19 Resources

        Views 627

        One Link Many Resources: For Journalists and the Media

        This is a COVID-19 resource repository by Internews. Resources include: Internews’ approach to COVID-19, The Internews COVID-19 Glossary, More info about the Pandemic Media Mentors, and more.

        Source: One Link Many Resources

          Views 546

          Managing Misinformation in a Humanitarian Context

          Internews first developed rumor tracking methodology in 2014 in Liberia, in order to address the deadly Ebola outbreak. Since then, they have implemented rumor tracking as a way to address misinformation during humanitarian crises in numerous countries and contexts, reaching hundreds of thousands of beneficiaries.

          The rumor tracking methodology includes three parts: Context, Case Studies, and a How To Guide.

          Source: Managing Misinformation in a Humanitarian Context

            Views 509

            Go Viral!

            GO VIRAL! is a 5-minute game that helps protect the public against COVID-19 misinformation.

            The players learn about some of the most common strategies used to spread false and misleading information about the virus. Understanding these tricks allows the public to resist them the next time they come across them online.

            Source: Go Viral!

              Views 831

              India Fights COVID

              As we address the COVID-19 challenge, there is an urgent need for credible, simple and easy-to-understand information. This website is a collaborative initiative that houses content and creative materials, related to COVID-19, curated by an editorial team. This content is in English, Hindi and other regional languages, and formats include images, GIFs, Videos etc. All resources are free to access. Please download and use on your social media channels.

              Source: India Fights COVID

                Views 879

                Awareness and Education Campaign on COVID-19 for Pharmacy Professionals in the Philippines

                In an effort to expand public efforts to arrest the progress of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Johns Hopkins Center for Communication Programs (CCP) collaborated with mClinica, an Asian regional tech startup that develops and operates mobile platforms, to build the capacity of the pharmacy workforce in the Philippines to communicate effectively with customers about COVID-19.

                Source: Awareness and Education Campaign on COVID-19 for Pharmacy Professionals in the Philippines

                  Views 928

                  La Vérité sur la Covid-19, Combattre la désinformation au Sahel

                  Le Timbuktu Institute, en partenariat avec le CESTI et Sayara International, lance ce jour la campagne “La Vérité sur la Covid-19, Combattre la désinformation au Sahel.

                  Du Sénégal au Soudan, en passant par le Mali, la Mauritanie, le Niger, le Burkina Faso, le Tchad et le Nord-Cameroon, cette campagne combine recherche de terrain, veille médiatique, formation des journalistes et production de contenus éducatifs.

                  Elle vise à équiper citoyens, journalistes et influenceurs avec les outils nécessaires pour faire face à la vague de désinformation qui accompagne la pandémie de coronavirus au Sahel.

                  Source: La Vérité sur la Covid-19, Combattre la désinformation au Sahel

                    Views 965

                    COVID-19 Vaccine Introduction Toolkit

                    The COVID-19 vaccine introduction toolbox equips all countries to prepare for and implement COVID-19 vaccination by providing guidance, tools, and training. This toolbox is intended to support Ministries of Health, health workers, partner organizations, and other stakeholders.

                    Source: COVID-19 Vaccine Introduction Toolkit

                      Views 566