
Verified is an initiative of the United Nations, in collaboration with Purpose, to provide content that cuts through the noise to deliver life-saving information, fact-based advice and stories from the best of humanity. it is an initiative to encourage everyone to check the advice we share. Users register to receive trustworthy COVID-19 information, fact-based advice, and human-interest stories.

By promoting and sharing Verified content, everyday people can play a crucial role in the work of Verified by spreading reliable information about COVID-19 to their friends, families and social networks, with the goal of saving lives and countering misinformation. Organizations, businesses, civil society and media platforms partner with Verified to spread information that helps protect people, communities and forges connections across the planet.

Verified’s team of communicators, creatives and researchers produce content based on the latest information and guidance from the United Nations, the World Health Organisation and other UN agencies. We work with leading experts on misinformation First Draft.

Verified works with the support of Luminate, IKEA Foundation and UN Foundation and partners all over the world.

Source: Verified

    Views 531

    COVID-19 House to House Community Outreach Protocol

    This protocol provides guidance to CGP-GHS Project staff on how to ensure the health and safety of community health volunteers (CHVs) and the unintentional spread of COVID-19 in the community. The need to conduct community-based surveillance and health promotion needs to be weighed against the risk of endangering either CHVs or community members while conducting house-to-house surveillance and health education and promotion activities.

    This protocol is the current position of CGP-GHS Project regarding community outreach activities in the context of COVID-19. The epidemiology of the outbreak remains unclear, and therefore the global community is relying on standard outbreak response protocol to disrupt transmission of COVID-19. Risk Communication and Community Engagement (RCCE) is cross-cutting in all areas of outbreak response but is primarily the tool to inform the public on risk and prevention measures. One of the most effective ways to communicate risk and the behavior changes that are required to prevent disease is through health education and promotion at the household level.

    Source: COVID-19 House to House Community Outreach Protocol

      Views 1125

      Guidance Note 3: How Can VAW Prevention Programs Adapt? : Series on Preventing VAW During the COVID-19 Pandemic

      The COVID-19 crisis is a destabilizing time, deepening social inequalities and increasing violence against women (VAW). This is also a moment of significant unpredictability and many are experiencing fear, anxiety, and anger as a normal response to these rapid changes. Certain groups are more vulnerable to pandemic-related hardships and consequences, including women, LGBTIQ people, people living with chronic illnesses and other disabilities, people reliant on daily wages,among others. Further, within the COVID-19 response, women providing essential services—from health care provision to cleaning to vendors in the market—are particularly impacted and at risk of violence. These vulnerabilities compromise our collective well-being, as individuals, organizations, and movements to prevent VAW. We recognize –and insist—on the importance of caring for ourselves and each other during COVID-19 as a political act that is integral to our social justice activism, resisting the patriarchal norms and other systemic oppressions that value certain people over others.

      Source: Guidance Note 3: How Can VAW Prevention Programs Adapt? : Series on Preventing VAW During the COVID-19 Pandemic

        Views 737

        Guidance Note 4: How Can VAW Prevention Programs Adapt? : Series on Preventing VAW During the COVID-19 Pandemic

        COVID-19 poses many safety risks for staff, organizational partners, and community members working to prevent violence against women. For many settings, it is likely that community mobilization activities will need to be suspended or substantially adapted during this time. Before continuing with any programming, it is essential to comprehensively assess potential risks in order to determine safety and feasibility.

        Source: Guidance Note 4: How Can VAW Prevention Programs Adapt? : Series on Preventing VAW During the COVID-19 Pandemic

          Views 550

          Community-Based Health and First Aid COVID-19 Manuals

          Community-Based Health and First Aid (eCBHFA) volunteers are a community’s first line of defense in the midst of the global COVID-19 epidemic.  This guidance is for active eCBHFA volunteers working with vulnerable groups at the community level to help keep people safe, informed and at ease as the pandemic progresses.

          Source: Community-Based Health and First Aid COVID-19 Manuals

            Views 503

            Developing Key Messages for Communities on GBV and COVID-19

            This document is meant as a starting point for the field colleagues to support them in ensuring communication to communities around COVID-19 includes gender-based violence (GBV).

            Source: Developing Key Messages for Communities on GBV and COVID-19

              Views 691

              COVID-19 Risk Communication and Community Engagement Toolkit for Humanitarian Actors

              The purpose of this toolkit is to offer non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and other humanitarian response actors a suite of guidance and tools they can use to rapidly plan and integrate Risk Communication and Community Engagement (RCCE) into their COVID-19 response. Given the rapidly changing nature of the pandemic, these tools and guidelines will be updated as needed. This toolkit was developed by the Johns Hopkins Center for Communication Programs and Save the Children through the READY initiative, which is funded by USAID’s Office of Foreign Disaster Assistance (OFDA).

              Source: COVID-19 Risk Communication and Community Engagement Toolkit for Humanitarian Actors

                Views 630

                Risk communication and Community Engagement (RCCE) Readiness and Response to the 2019 Novel Coronavirus (‎‎2019-nCoV)‎‎

                This document provides WHO checklists for risk communication and community engagement (RCCE) readiness and initial response for novel coronaviruses (nCoV) recently identified in Wuhan, China (2019-nCoV). The objective of this document is to provide actionable guidance for countries to implement effective RCCE strategies which will help protect the public’s health in the early response to nCoV. This document includes recommended RCCE goals and actions for countries preparing for nCoV cases and for countries that have confirmed -nCoV cases.

                  Views 578

                  Guyana Rumor Tracking

                  A COVID rumor tracking system in Guyana created MythBusters materials to successfully provide the public with valid information and promote preventive behaviors, a CCP study finds.

                  Source: Guyana Rumor Tracking

                    Views 370