A Practical Approach to Prevent, Address and Document Domestic Violence under COVID-19

A coalition of leading international organizations has analyzed successful interventions to make key programmatic recommendations for grassroots organizations working on the frontlines of gender and the COVID-19 crisis; as well as policy recommendations for the international community.

Source: A Practical Approach to Prevent, Address and Document Domestic Violence under COVID-19

    Views 892

    Behavioral Design for COVID-19 Response

    This brief offers examples which demonstrate the emerging need for expertise in designing government services for chronic scarcity as society adapts to a new way of life in light of COVID-19.

    Government agencies serving their residents during the COVID-19 pandemic have a number of tools at their disposal: public funding, talented and committed staff, connections to goods and services from local organizations, and valuable know-how. This brief offers three recommendations to deal with the situation.

    Source: Behavioral Design for COVID-19 Response

      Views 611

      Using Media and Communication to Respond to Public Health Emergencies: Lessons Learned from Ebola (BBC Media)

      This practice briefing sets out what BBC Media Action learned in delivering and supporting health communication in response to the Ebola crisis in West Africa in 2014–15. It has a particular focus on Sierra Leone as this was the hub of the organization’s response.

      Source: Using Media and Communication to Respond to Public Health Emergencies: Lessons Learned from Ebola

      Views 612

      COVID-19 and Child, Early, and Forced Marriage: An Agenda for Action

      This brief is intended for development partners, including government and civil society actors. It provides recommendations and resources for responding to the needs of adolescent girls during the COVID-19 crisis and recovery period, including those at risk of early marriage and those who are already married and in informal unions.

      It focuses on how adolescent girls, particularly those at risk of marriage or already married girls will be affected in the short- and longer-term.

      Source: COVID-19 and Child, Early, and Forced Marriage: An Agenda for Action

      Views 855

      Handwashing with Soap – A Key Part of the COVID-19 Response: Technical Brief

      Handwashing with soap, together with other public health interventions, will be key to curbing the transmission of COVID-19.

      This technical brief offers guidelines for:

      • Key moments for handwashing with soap during the COVID-19 pandemic
      • Knowledge alone does not always lead to behavior change
      • Integrate a range of handwashing determinants into promotion efforts
      • Create handwashing infrastructure that enables behavior
      • Use cues, reminders, and rewards to trigger handwashing behaviors
      • Share stories to motivate handwashing
      • Addressing common barriers to handwashing with soap
      • Rapid interventions to promoting handwashing as part of COVID-19 response
      • Online resources

      Source: Handwashing with Soap: A Key Part of the COVID-19 Response

        Views 1222

        How Your Community can Prevent the Spread of COVID-19

        This document suggests key actions on how your community can stay safe and slow down the spread of COVID-19, particularly for contexts where you might have been asked by your local authorities to maintain physical distance or stay home.

        The advice is to localize and implement three basic steps:

        1.  Learn
        2.  Act
        3.  Help

        Source: How Your Community can Prevent the Spread of COVID-19

        Views 733

        Stigma Reduction (Washington State Department of Health)

        This fact sheet explains that misinformation about coronavirus and COVID-19 can create fear and hostility that hurts people and makes it harder to keep everyone healthy. It emphasizes that people are stronger as a community when they stand together against discrimination.

        Source: Stigma Reduction (Washington State Department of Health


          Views 500