COVID-19 Health Communication Materials for South Asia

As we come together to combat the COVID-19 pandemic, we believe that it is vitally important to empower people with the right information and best practices to follow in these challenging times. We hope that these resources are useful for you and your communities.

Source: COVID-19 Health Communication Materials for South Asia

    Views 2248

    COVID-19 Prevention Campaign: Radio Spots – Si Toca Salir, Toca Cuidarse

    The Breakthrough ACTION Guatemala COVID-19 Prevention Campaign developed a set of six radio spots to raise awareness that COVID-19 threat continues in Guatemala.

    The radio spots remind the population that it is the responsibility of all Guatemalans to perform key prevention behaviors (Wash your hands, Maintain physical distancing, and Wear a mask) at critical moments of elevated risk such as visiting family or friends, going to work, or going do daily errands.

    Source: COVID-19 Prevention Campaign: Radio Spots – Si Toca Salir, Toca Cuidarse

      Views 671

      COVID-19 Radio Spots

      These spots discuss general information on coronavirus prevention measures.

      Source: COVID-19 Radio Spots

        Views 559