Stay healthy, let’s have fun, let’s celebrate this year with security

स्वस्थ्य रहौ उमंग बाडौ, यो बर्ष सुरक्षाका साथ पर्व मनाऔँ

This video asks that the public still observe the COVID-19 public health guidelines while celebrating religious festivals.


    Views 640

    Request to do physical and mental exercise regularly

    This video asks the public to do physical and mental exercise regularly to promote one’s well being during the COVID-19 pandemic.

    Source: Request to do physical and mental exercise regularly

      Views 742

      Precautions during quarantine and home isolation

      This video explains various precautions to take during quarantine and home isolation for COVID-19.

      Source: Precautions during quarantine and home isolation

      Views 634

      Vaccines, Pregnancy, Menstruation, Lactation and Fertility

      This 5 minute video is part of the World Health Organization (WHO) “Science in 5” series of short videos to educate the public and professional world about important issues related to COVID-19.

      In this episode, Dr. Soumya Swaminathan discusses the guidance for vaccination of women with breastfeeding infants, women who are pregnant or planning to get pregnant and women who are menstruating. She also talks about vaccines and fertility.

      Source: Vaccines, Pregnancy, Menstruation, Lactation and Fertility

        Views 605

        Taking care of your mental health during lockdown

        This poster, produced by Nepal’s National Health Education, Information and Communication Centre, explains how to take care of one’s mental health during the COVID-19 lockdown. It also has short blurbs on mask wearing, social (physical) distancing, and hand washing.

        Source: Taking care of your mental health during lockdown

          Views 764

          Keep in touch with your loved ones digitally, virtually

          This poster, produced by Nepal’s National Health Education, Information and Communication Centre, shows how to keep in touch with loved ones virtually during the COVID-19 pandemic. It also has short blurbs on mask wearing, social (physical) distancing, and hand washing.

          Source: Keep in touch with your loved ones digitally, virtually

            Views 675

            The pandemic fatigue first aid kit

            Pandemic fatigue is real and spreading. Many people are losing the motivation to follow the recommended behaviours to protect themselves and others from COVID-19. This Community Engagement First Aid Kit will provide National Societies and volunteers with tips on how to revitalize their community engagement approaches to overcome pandemic fatigue.

            Source: The pandemic fatigue first aid kit

              Views 891

              India Fights COVID

              As we address the COVID-19 challenge, there is an urgent need for credible, simple and easy-to-understand information. This website is a collaborative initiative that houses content and creative materials, related to COVID-19, curated by an editorial team. This content is in English, Hindi and other regional languages, and formats include images, GIFs, Videos etc. All resources are free to access. Please download and use on your social media channels.

              Source: India Fights COVID

                Views 933

                Awareness and Education Campaign on COVID-19 for Pharmacy Professionals in the Philippines

                In an effort to expand public efforts to arrest the progress of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Johns Hopkins Center for Communication Programs (CCP) collaborated with mClinica, an Asian regional tech startup that develops and operates mobile platforms, to build the capacity of the pharmacy workforce in the Philippines to communicate effectively with customers about COVID-19.

                Source: Awareness and Education Campaign on COVID-19 for Pharmacy Professionals in the Philippines

                  Views 990

                  7 Acts of Self-care You Can Practice during a Winter Lockdown

                  This is a report from a survey taken in Britain during its third lockdown. This survey found that 60 percent of Britons are finding it harder to stay positive during this time.

                  The authors spoke to psychologists and mental health experts about things one can do if one’s mental wellbeing is being affected by the winter lockdown.

                  Source: 7 Acts of Self-care You Can Practice during a Winter Lockdown

                    Views 781