Message against child and women abuse during COVID-19

This video, by Dr. Basudev Krishna Shastri, condemns child and women abuse that has been occurring in Nepal during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Source: Message against child and women abuse during COVID-19

    Views 1071

    Prevent Domestic Violence: Tips for Men

    The short animated gif/video in English and Siswati was developed for men to prevent domestic violence. It outlines six key steps men can take to help them from acting violently, and includes contact details of locally available services for help.  The video was designed to be distributed through social media platforms.

    Source: Prevent Domestic Violence: Tips for Men

      Views 657

      You Are Not Alone: Help Is Available If You Experience Violence or Abuse

      The poster “You Are Not Alone: Help Is Available If You Experience Violence or Abuse”, available in English and Siswati, targets women and families to have a safety plan and access local violence/abuse support services. The material was developed as a response to a noted increase in domestic violence due to COVID-19 lockdown period.

      Source: You Are Not Alone: Help Is Available If You Experience Violence or Abuse

        Views 777

        Make a Safety Plan for Yourself and Your Children

        This poster, available in English and Siswati, targets women and children in Eswatini who may be experiencing violence at home. The key message highlights the importance of having a safety plan if women and children need to leave in a hurry because of abuse or violence.

        Steps include identifying a trusted person and place to go, having a plan on how to get there and bringing key personal documents needed. It also provides contact details of local support services available in country.

        Source: Make a Safety Plan for Yourself and Your Children

          Views 642

          If You Are Experiencing Any Form of Violence or Abuse

          This poster targets women and children who may be experience abuse or violence in the home.

          The key messages, in English and Siswati, encourage women to reach out to supportive family, friends, or neighbours for support, provide local emergency contact numbers to call, and to seek out locally available support services.

          Source: If You Are Experiencing Any Form of Violence or Abuse

            Views 833

            Men: We Care About You, Help Is Available

            This short video is targeted to men to prevent violence and abuse and encourage them to seek help.

            Spoken through the compassionate words of a Swaziland Action Against Abuse (SWAGAA) male counselor, men are encouraged to take proactive action to prevent violence by expressing their emotions and reaching out for professional support services available in country.

            Source: Men: We Care About You, Help Is Available

              Views 749

              Coronavirus: Why are Women Paying a Heavier Price?

              Women have shown better COVID-19 outcomes than men – in part thanks to an additional X chromosome and sex hormones like oestrogen, which provoke better immune responses to the virus that causes COVID-19. But any such advantage is reversed when it comes to the social and economic effects of the pandemic; here the brunt falls heaviest on women.

              What has disproportionately affected women is insecurity and loss of employment because women tend to work in informal sectors with no financial protection or benefits. Data gathered by UN Women shows that of all healthcare workers infected with COVID-19 in Spain and Italy, 72 percent and 66 percent respectively were women.

              Source: Coronavirus: Why are Women Paying a Heavier Price?

                Views 999

                Maintaining Essential GBV Services during COVID-19

                This document provides guidance on how to safely deliver gender-based violence (GBV) services during the COVID-19 pandemic.  The document offer guidance to ministries of health, policymakers, service providers, and other implementing partners on how to continue to safely deliver  GBV services during COVID-19. The evidence-based documents are drawn from data and guidance from the World Health Organization, the United Nations Population Fund, and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. This document is part of a series of technical guidance documents developed by Pathfinder that can be used to support the adaptation of essential sexual and reproductive health care during the COVID-19 pandemic or future airborne infectious disease outbreaks.

                Source: Maintaining Essential GBV Services during COVID-19

                  Views 987

                  COVID-19 Kenya – Media Coverage Tracker

                  This tracker, produced by the Kenya Ministry of Health in partnership with USAID, follows media coverage of COVID-19 in Kenya, offering information about the source, topic, and author. Several key topics the tracker covers include: economics, innovation, gender-based violence, aid, response, risk factors, etc.

                    Views 725

                    COVID-19 Kenya – IEC Materials and Campaigns Tracker

                    This tracker lists over 100 COVID-19 social and behavior change materials produced in Kenya and in other countries.

                    The list includes posters, pamphlets, radio ads, television ads, videos, posters, memes, and other media produced to introduce various aspects of COVID-19 to the public.

                    Source: COVID-19 Kenya – IEC Materials and Campaigns Tracker

                      Views 709