WHO strategy for engaging religious leaders, faith-based organizations and faith communities in health emergencies

This strategy defines how WHO and religious leaders, faith-based organizations, and faith communities can support national governments during health emergencies. The goal is to enable more effective responses by strengthening collaboration between the WHO, national governments and religious leaders, faith-based organizations, and faith communities, resulting in more people being better protected from health emergencies and enjoying better health and well-being, including improved trust and social cohesion.

Source: WHO strategy for engaging religious leaders, faith-based organizations and faith communities in health emergencies

    Views 607

    Guide de gestion des rumeurs COVID-19-SN

    Ce document est un guide de gestion des rumeurs durant la campagne contre la COVID-19.

    Il est destiné aux techniciens, prestataires de santé et acteurs communautaires pour une meilleure gestion dans l’exécution du plan de communication.

    Source: Guide de gestion des rumeurs COVID19-SN

      Views 821

      Generating acceptance and demand for COVID-19 vaccines

      The WHO has created tools that were designed to respond to these challenges and support planning and implementation for COVID-19 vaccination. They offer practical guidance on a range of areas – from planning, to data gathering and evaluation, to specific strategies for community engagement and managing rumours and misinformation.

      Source: Generating acceptance and demand for COVID-19 vaccines

        Views 614

        Raising Faith in COVID-19 Vaccines in Lesotho

        A rapid survey, conducted in July by the World Health Organization (WHO) the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) and other partners covering five of Lesotho’s 10 districts showed conspiracy theories may be driving up fear, confusion and reluctance to get vaccinated in this highly religious society.

        With support from WHO and the Christian Council of Lesotho, the Ministry of Health is training religious leaders to spread life-saving facts on COVID-19 and COVID-19 vaccines.

        Source: Raising faith in COVID-19 vaccines in Lesotho

          Views 773

          Digital Certificates for Vaccination

          This page on the World Health Organization’s (WHO) website explains the concept of digital certificates for vaccination, their advantage over paper certificates, as well as WHO’s guidance towards digital certificates.

          Source: Digital Certificates for Vaccination

            Views 543

            COVID-19-Related Misinformation on Social Media: A Systematic Review

            This review focuses on misinformation that appeared early in the pandemic. During this phase, little was known about the virus, such as how it spread or how infected people could be treated most effectively.

            Source: COVID-19-Related Misinformation on Social Media: A Systematic Review

              Views 598

              Vaccines, Pregnancy, Menstruation, Lactation and Fertility

              This 5 minute video is part of the World Health Organization (WHO) “Science in 5” series of short videos to educate the public and professional world about important issues related to COVID-19.

              In this episode, Dr. Soumya Swaminathan discusses the guidance for vaccination of women with breastfeeding infants, women who are pregnant or planning to get pregnant and women who are menstruating. She also talks about vaccines and fertility.

              Source: Vaccines, Pregnancy, Menstruation, Lactation and Fertility

                Views 603

                Science in 5: Caring for COVID-19 positive person at home

                If you are caring for yourself or a loved one at home, how can you keep everyone safe from COVID-19? WHO’s Dr April Baller explains in Science in 5. The video outlines ten steps to prevent infection while caring for a COVID-19 patient at home.

                Source: Science in 5: Caring for COVID-19 positive person at home

                  Views 573