COVID-19 House to House Community Outreach Protocol

This protocol provides guidance to CGP-GHS Project staff on how to ensure the health and safety of community health volunteers (CHVs) and the unintentional spread of COVID-19 in the community. The need to conduct community-based surveillance and health promotion needs to be weighed against the risk of endangering either CHVs or community members while conducting house-to-house surveillance and health education and promotion activities.

This protocol is the current position of CGP-GHS Project regarding community outreach activities in the context of COVID-19. The epidemiology of the outbreak remains unclear, and therefore the global community is relying on standard outbreak response protocol to disrupt transmission of COVID-19. Risk Communication and Community Engagement (RCCE) is cross-cutting in all areas of outbreak response but is primarily the tool to inform the public on risk and prevention measures. One of the most effective ways to communicate risk and the behavior changes that are required to prevent disease is through health education and promotion at the household level.

Source: COVID-19 House to House Community Outreach Protocol

    Views 1138

    COVID-19: How to Protect Yourself and Stop the Spread of the Virus Video

    Using plain language and informative images, this short, animated video about COVID-19 is intended for non-English-speaking audiences with limited or no literacy and highlights the main symptoms of the disease, prevention tips, and steps to take if the viewer feels sick. It is available in 15 languages (Amharic, Arabic, Burmese, Dari, English, Farsi, French, Kinyarwanda, Nepali, Russian, Somali, Spanish, Swahili, Tigrinya, and Ukrainian).

    Source: COVID-19: How to Protect Yourself and Stop the Spread of the Virus Video

      Views 677