
To stay away from coronavirus, you have to wash your hands repeatedly with soap and water.

Source: Handwashing

    Views 1122


    If you live in Bangladesh and have any symptoms of coronavirus, call helpline numbers 333, 16263, or 10655 and seek advice.

    Source: Helpline

      Views 808

      Rumors and misinformation

      This video is about rumors and misinformation in the young generation and how to overcome it.

      Source: Rumors and misinformation

        Views 893

        Know the correct information it will keep away corona

        This video is about misinformation in the young generation and how to overcome it.

        Source: Know the correct information it will keep away corona

          Views 621

          How to wear a mask

          This video is shows how to wear a mask properly. If you go out of the house, you must wear a mask.

          Source: How to wear a mask

            Views 577

            Let’s be aware rather than get panicked

            This animation video about COVID-19 rumors and misinformation in the young generation, and how to overcome it.

            Source: Let’s be aware rather than get panicked

              Views 606

              Next door Neighbor video 2

              This video is of a phone call between two neighbors in quarantine. It covers several rumors and misinformation about COVID-19 and where to find reliable information in order to adopt preventative behaviors (in this case, Bangladesh’s Ministry of Health website).

              Source: Next door Neighbor video 2

                Views 631