
Education during COVID-19

Here’s how children in India are feeling about learning at home during COVID-19.

Source: Education during COVID-19

    Views 1250

    Nalamdana COVID-19 Vaccine – Episode 3

    Through a young couple’s arguments at a bus stop, this short video, in Entertainment-Education style, highlights the importance of getting vaccines, why a second dose is critical to bring your immunity to where your body can easily fight the virus, and why it is important to continue to wear masks, even if you are fully vaccinated. By countering popular misconceptions (from the young man), the young woman, and her educated bus stop companion model COVID-safe behavior.

    Source: Nalamdana COVID 19 Vaccine – Episode 3

      Views 1172

      Nalamdana COVID-19: Vaccines – Part 2

      Short film in entertainment-education style, to address myths and misconceptions about vaccines and also FAQs about side effects.

      Source: Nalamdana COVID-19: Vaccines – Part 2

        Views 520

        Child Friendly version on understanding COVID-19

        UNICEF partnered with Inklink Charitable Trust to work with children to develop a child friendly version on understanding COVID-19, ways to prevent it from spreading, assuring children not to be stressed and scared.

        Source: Child Friendly version on understanding COVID-19

          Views 565

          What to do if you or a loved one tests positive for COVID-19

          It’s a difficult time for everyone in India. We are sharing these tips for anyone who is COVID-19 positive or has symptoms. Please share them with those around you.

          Source: What to do if you or a loved one tests positive for COVID-19

            Views 2661

            Nalamdana COVID-19: Vaccines

            Short film in entertainment-education style to address myths and misconceptions about vaccines, talking about the importance of vaccines, and answering FAQs on side effects.


              Views 567

              COVID-19 Health Communication Materials for South Asia

              As we come together to combat the COVID-19 pandemic, we believe that it is vitally important to empower people with the right information and best practices to follow in these challenging times. We hope that these resources are useful for you and your communities.

              Source: COVID-19 Health Communication Materials for South Asia

                Views 2072

                Nalamdana: Fighting COVID-19 Misinformation

                This illustration-based video share the challenges of listening to misinformation – it can lead to risk of getting COVID-19. Friends gather (distanced and masked) around a tea shop and discuss what happened to an acquaintance who refused to listen to prevention messages and believed in quack methods to keep COVID-away.

                Source: Nalamdana: Fighting COVID-19 Misinformation

                  Views 580

                  COVID-19 Health Literacy Project

                  This project creates and translates accessible COVID-19 information into different languages to help all patients know when, and how, to seek care. The materials are created in collaboration with Harvard Health Publishing.

                  All of the materials are reviewed and vetted by physicians and medical school faculty members at the Harvard hospitals. These materials are created in collaboration with Harvard Health Publishing. The materials are freely available for download and distribution without copyright restrictions. The project currently supports 35 languages.

                  Source: COVID-19 Health Literacy Project

                    Views 1567

                    Making of No-Cost Face Masks at Home to Prevent the Spread of the Coronavirus

                    A 3-minute video has been uploaded on YouTube entitled “Making of No-Cost Face Masks at Home to Prevent the Spread of the Coronavirus”. It has been uploaded separately in 12 other major Indian languages thus enabling the free face mask message to be understood throughout rural and urban India, and have been designed specifically for poor and lower middle class households, including its illiterate members.

                    These short videos demonstrate how these vulnerable families can easily make no-cost face masks/coverings at home, use them hygienically and observe related precautions. They can be used by all those working in government agencies, and NGOs in health, community and adult education/school programmes and any awareness-raising activities related to Covid-19.

                    The list of the video in 12 major Indian languages is below.

                      Views 574