La Vérité sur la Covid-19, Combattre la désinformation au Sahel

Le Timbuktu Institute, en partenariat avec le CESTI et Sayara International, lance ce jour la campagne “La Vérité sur la Covid-19, Combattre la désinformation au Sahel.

Du Sénégal au Soudan, en passant par le Mali, la Mauritanie, le Niger, le Burkina Faso, le Tchad et le Nord-Cameroon, cette campagne combine recherche de terrain, veille médiatique, formation des journalistes et production de contenus éducatifs.

Elle vise à équiper citoyens, journalistes et influenceurs avec les outils nécessaires pour faire face à la vague de désinformation qui accompagne la pandémie de coronavirus au Sahel.

Source: La Vérité sur la Covid-19, Combattre la désinformation au Sahel

    Views 963

    mHero App

    This app was developed during the Ebola crisis to help frontline health workers to keep u to date with the latest data and guidance, as well as keep a check on their own health.

    Lessons learned from the Ebola response pointed to how fast, informative communication to frontline health workers and their immediate, precise case reporting helped tackle the health emergency. mHero was useful in engaging communities, managing rumors, and mitigating public health threats.

    Given mHero’s origin, it is uniquely suited to fulfill communication needs during the COVID-19 pandemic. The mHero platform can be used for myriad government health communications needs, segmenting health workers into specific groups to:

    • Coordinate health promotion strategies and public health emergency responses
    • Train health workers on infection prevention and control and risk communication
    • Test health worker knowledge of COVID-19 responses through mini-quizzes
    • Report suspected COVID-19 cases and other high-priority diseases
    • Relay unanticipated stock-outs of essential commodities such as sterile gloves, masks, and respirators
    • Reveal local health and safety concerns, including mental health and physical risks

    Source: mHero App

      Views 711