COVID-19 Health Literacy Project

This project creates and translates accessible COVID-19 information into different languages to help all patients know when, and how, to seek care. The materials are created in collaboration with Harvard Health Publishing.

All of the materials are reviewed and vetted by physicians and medical school faculty members at the Harvard hospitals. These materials are created in collaboration with Harvard Health Publishing. The materials are freely available for download and distribution without copyright restrictions. The project currently supports 35 languages.

Source: COVID-19 Health Literacy Project

    Views 1698

    Coronavirus Message for Communities

    This short video can be used in many communities.  It answers the questions: How does coronavirus (COVID-19) spread? What are the symptoms? Who is at risk? How can you protect yourself and your family?

    Source: Coronavirus Message for Communities

      Views 889

      How to Report Misinformation Online

      As the world responds to the  COVID-19 pandemic, we all face the challenge of an overabundance of information related to the virus. Some of this information may be false and potentially harmful.

      Inaccurate information spreads widely and at speed, making it more difficult for the public to identify verified facts and advice  from trusted sources, such as  their local health authority or WHO. However, everyone can help to stop the spread. If you see content online that you believe to be false or misleading, you can report it to the hosting social media platform.

      This page offers links to various social media platforms’ sites for reporting inappropriate content.

      Source: How to Report Misinformation Online

        Views 828

        COVID-19 Posters, Cambodia

        This resource contains three posters produced to instruct the public in Cambodia about various aspects of living during the COVID-19 pandemic. The posters cover various topics, including: safely breastfeeding when mothers are infected with COVID-19, best practices to avoid infection and transmission, self-isolation, COVID-19 prevention for children, and hand-washing.

        Source: COVID-19 Posters, Cambodia

          Views 842

          Tweets about Wearing Masks

          Breakthrough ACTION Nigeria posted these images in Twitter about wearing masks to slow the spread of COVID-19 on July 15, 2020. The tweets encourage people to not share face masks and to use a face mask and/or a mask in combination with a shield as opposed to simply wearing a face shield. Breakthrough ACTION Nigeria also used the hashtag #COVID19StopsWithMe.

          Source: Tweets about Wearing Masks

            Views 566

            Tackling COVID-19 Fear and Stigma

            In Burkina Faso, the COVID-19 pandemic has triggered a variety of reactions among some Ouagadougou residents that have complicated efforts for a timely response. Hesitancy to get tested, avoiding contact tracers, or wariness of what the neighbors will say are some of these reactions.

            The World Health Organization (WHO) is working with the government to provide guidance to tackle stigma as well as support other aspects of the COVID-19 response, which is further explained in this article.

            Source: Tackling COVID-19 Fear and Stigma

              Views 857

              COVID-19 PSAs Zambia: What If?

              This is a COVID-19 mini-series aimed at informing and engaging Zambian audiences about symptoms, preventive actions and the importance of verified information during the pandemic. Chimwemwe is a COVID-19 information champion at a young age! As she falls ill, her father contemplates what more he could have done to keep his daughter safe.

              Source: COVID-19 PSAs Zambia: What If?

                Views 827

                COVID-19 PSAs Zambia: Correct Information

                This is a COVID-19 mini-series aimed at informing and engaging Zambian audiences about symptoms, preventive actions and the importance of verified information during the pandemic. As four strangers wait to board a bus, they discuss COVID-19 facts and fiction, and what role religion, social media and correct information has to play.

                Source: COVID-19 PSAs Zambia: Correct Information

                  Views 854