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13 résultats de recherche pour :


Différence entre quarantaine, isolement et distanciation

Cette infographie explique la différence entre la quarantaine, l'isolement et la distanciation physique.

The infographic is part of a series of infographics that attempts to simplify and visually answer basic questions general audience have regarding COVID-19.


Combien de temps le virus COVID-19 vit-il sur les surfaces

This infographic shows how long the virus causing COVID-19 survive on surfaces such as plastic, stainless steel, cardboard and copper. The infographic is part of a series of infographics that attempts to simplify and visually answer basic questions general audience have regarding COVID-19.


Une personne doit-elle avoir des symptômes pour propager le COVID-19 ?

Cette infographie explique la différence entre les cas de COVID-19 asymptomatiques, pré-symptomatiques et symptomatiques et comment les cas asymptomatiques et pré-symptomatiques peuvent propager par inadvertance le COVID-19.

The infographic is part of a series of infographics that attempts to simplify and visually answer basic questions general audience have regarding COVID-19.


Comment le port d'un masque facial peut réduire le risque d'infection au COVID-19

This infographic developed by Center for Communication and Change-India visually explains the importance of wearing a mask and how it can reduce the risk of COVID-19 infection/transmission.