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Infográficos sobre o uso de máscaras

These infographics from the World Health Organization instruct the public about mask-wearing to protect oneself and others against COVID-19 . Some of the infographics show not only how to wear the mask, but also how not to wear it. These are part of a series of infographics from WHO which can be found on the same page.


Perguntas e Respostas: Adolescentes, Jovens e COVID-19

These questions and answers concerning adolescents and COVID-19 were developed by the World Health Organization, UNESCO, UNFPA and UNICEF. They answer questions concerning whether or not adolescents can catch COVID-19, if they can spread COVID-19 to other people despite having little to no symptoms, etc.


Saúde Mental e COVID-19

A OMS, juntamente com parceiros, está fornecendo orientação e aconselhamento durante a pandemia de COVID-19 para profissionais de saúde, gerentes de unidades de saúde, pessoas que cuidam de crianças, idosos, pessoas em isolamento e membros do público em geral, para nos ajudar cuidar da nossa saúde mental.


Como denunciar desinformação online

As the world responds to the  COVID-19 pandemic, we all face the challenge of an overabundance of information related to the virus. Some of this information may be false and potentially harmful. Inaccurate information spreads widely and at speed, making it more difficult for the public to identify verified facts and advice  from trusted sources, such as  their local health authority or WHO. However, everyone can help to stop the spread. If you see content online that you believe to be false or misleading, you can report it to the hosting social media platform.