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Painel de Comportamentos COVID: Dados atualizados mostram as tendências da Omicron

Global Omicron cases have exploded since the COVID-19 variant was first reported to the World Health Organization on November 24. The most recent data from the COVID Behaviors Dashboard reflects that trend: the highest percentage of respondents in multiple countries are reporting positive test results since the dashboard went live in May of 2021.


Painel de Comportamentos COVID

O Painel de Comportamentos COVID visualiza dados da Pesquisa de Tendências e Impacto COVID-19 (CTIS), lançada pelo Facebook com o Grupo Delphi na Universidade Carnegie Mellon e o Centro de Ciência de Dados Sociais da Universidade de Maryland. Insights e análises sobre como usar os dados foram escritos por pesquisadores e especialistas em comunicação de mudança social e comportamental do CCP em colaboração com a Rede Global de Alerta e Resposta a Surtos da OMS.


Estudo Internacional de Avaliação de Conscientização e Respostas COVID-19

The iCARE Study will capture key data on people’s awareness, attitudes, and behaviors as they relate to the COVID-19 policies, as well as the impacts that COVID-19 is having on people’s physical and mental health, financial situation, and quality of life.


Projeto de Alfabetização em Saúde COVID-19

This project creates and translates accessible COVID-19 information into different languages to help all patients know when, and how, to seek care. The materials are created in collaboration with Harvard Health Publishing and are freely available for download and distribution without copyright restrictions.


Coronavírus — Ficha Informativa COVID-19 – Fundação Hesperian

This factsheet offers information for the public on the basics of COVID-19 and is available in 27 languages.