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5 résultats de recherche pour :


Matériel de communication sur la santé COVID-19 pour l'Asie du Sud

Alors que nous nous unissons pour lutter contre la pandémie de COVID-19, nous pensons qu'il est d'une importance vitale de donner aux gens les bonnes informations et les meilleures pratiques à suivre en ces temps difficiles. Nous espérons que ces ressources vous seront utiles, ainsi qu'à vos communautés.


Étude internationale d'évaluation de la sensibilisation et des réponses à la COVID-19

The iCARE Study will capture key data on people’s awareness, attitudes, and behaviors as they relate to the COVID-19 policies, as well as the impacts that COVID-19 is having on people’s physical and mental health, financial situation, and quality of life.


Projet de littératie en santé COVID-19

This project creates and translates accessible COVID-19 information into different languages to help all patients know when, and how, to seek care. The materials are created in collaboration with Harvard Health Publishing and are freely available for download and distribution without copyright restrictions.


Fabrication de masques faciaux gratuits à domicile pour prévenir la propagation du coronavirus

These short videos, available in English and major Indian languages, demonstrate how these vulnerable families can easily make no-cost face masks/coverings at home, use them hygienically and observe related precautions. They can be used by all those working in government agencies, and NGOs in health, community and adult education/school programmes and any awareness-raising activities related to Covid-19.


Coronavirus — Fiche d'information COVID-19 – Fondation Hesperian

This factsheet offers information for the public on the basics of COVID-19 and is available in 27 languages.