Breakthrough ACTION for COVID-19 campaign through Pharmacies Network

JHCCP /BA COVID-19 is working with mClinica to conduct a campaign to pharmacy staff and pharmacy visitors to reach the elderly and other groups with low vaccination rates.
The campaign is carried out digitally (online) through SwipeRx and also by placing educational materials in proposed 200 pharmacies in 4 priority districts of the JHCCP/BA project in East Java and South Sulawesi (Lumajang District, Pasuruan District, Sinjai District, and Bantaeng District.)

This digital campaign was designed using the reference materials developed by the JHU CCP and MOH and was reviewed by Breakthrough Action and MOH and approved by the Ministry of Health on 6th July 2022. This report summarizes results from the initial 3-week deployment period in July 2022.

The campaign includes content designed to build pharmacy professionals’ counseling capacity to bust myths and address vaccine hesitancy. All content was deployed in Bahasa Indonesia.

Source: Breakthrough ACTION for COVID-19 campaign through Pharmacies Network

    Views 1338

    VACINA DE REFORÇO – para vacina com mais de 6 meses completa

    O vídeo incentiva a comunidade que ja tomou a vacina há mais de 6 meses a toma da vacina de reforço.

    Source: M48. (VÁLIDO) VACINA DE REFORÇO – para vacina com mais de 6 meses completa

      Views 993

      M. M. VACINA DE FORÇO – levar de cartão de negócios, REFORÇO, por Puto Aires

      O poster incentivando a aderência a vacina de reforço a todas as pessoas que ja tomaram a vacina ha mais de 6 meses.

      Source: M. M. VACINA DE FORÇO – levar de cartão de negócios, REFORÇO, por Puto Aires

        Views 588

        M50 (VÁLIDO) VACINA REFORÇO – aumento do aumento da imunidade por Neyma Nacimo

        O poster incentiva a comunidade a tomar a vacina de reforço através do testemunho dos influenciadores digitais.

        Source: M50 (VÁLIDO) VACINA REFORÇO – aumento do aumento da imunidade, por Neyma Nacimo

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          Relance Vaccination Kaffrine – Évènement pilot

          Le 22 juillet, le district de Kaffrine a effectué le lancement régional de la région de Kaffrine. La cérémonie a eu lieu à Nganda avec la participation d’une forte délégation de l’USAID Senegal. Pour l’occasion des supports comme des banderoles, des Kakémonos, des Tee-shirts, lacostes et casquette ont été produits et distribués.

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            COVID-19 Radio Spot – Phase 1

            These are messaging developed by Breakthrough ACTION South Sudan and approved by RCCE to be aired by the Radio Stations (Eye Radio/Media) to provide COVID-19 Vaccination information to the general public. The messaging developed into 5 languages (Arabic, Azande, Bari, English and Lotuko).

              Views 1309