
Rumors and misinformation

This video is about rumors and misinformation in the young generation and how to overcome it.

Source: Rumors and misinformation

    Views 897

    Know the correct information it will keep away corona

    This video is about misinformation in the young generation and how to overcome it.

    Source: Know the correct information it will keep away corona

      Views 623

      How to wear a mask

      This video is shows how to wear a mask properly. If you go out of the house, you must wear a mask.

      Source: How to wear a mask

        Views 579

        Let’s be aware rather than get panicked

        This animation video about COVID-19 rumors and misinformation in the young generation, and how to overcome it.

        Source: Let’s be aware rather than get panicked

          Views 607

          Next door Neighbor video 2

          This video is of a phone call between two neighbors in quarantine. It covers several rumors and misinformation about COVID-19 and where to find reliable information in order to adopt preventative behaviors (in this case, Bangladesh’s Ministry of Health website).

          Source: Next door Neighbor video 2

            Views 634

            Who wants to be free from coronavirus infection

            This video is about to stay away from unscientific and misconceptions to stay free from coronavirus infection.

            Source: Who wants to be free from coronavirus infection

              Views 887

              Need to wear mask properly when you go outside

              This video is about to aware general people to wear mask properly when they go outside and, consult with a doctor when someone get corona infected.

              Source: Need to wear mask properly when you go outside

                Views 770

                Cooperation with neighbors and community engagement

                This video explains the importance of sharing the correct information about COVID-19 and promote cooperation among the community.

                Source: Cooperation with neighbors and community engagement

                  Views 577