Guide Book: Campaign – Community Involvement and the Important Message of COVID-19 Vaccination for the Elderly

In general, this book aims to provide implementation guidance to accelerate access for elderly to COVID-19 vaccination, through Communications Campaign and Community involvement activity. This book specifically aims to:

  1. Be a guide for preparing campaign and community involvement plans for COVID-19 Program manager, communications manager and other related stakeholder that contribute to increase the outreach of messages for elderly COVID-19 vaccination.
  2. Coordinate important messages on COVID-19 vaccinations for the elderly as well COVID-19 preventive behavior.
  3. Simplification of vaccination messages to encourage the elderly to participate in COVID-19 vaccination program.


    Views 944

    Hygiene and Behavior Change Coalition COVID-19 TV Spots

    The Hygiene and Behavior Change Coalition (HBCC) created these spots and produced them in a variety of languages. The videos are available in Arabic, Indonesian, Hindi and Swahili.

    The HBCC is funded by the Unilever Transform project and the Foreign Commonwealth Development Office.

    Source: Hygiene and Behavior Change Coalition COVID-19 TV Spots

      Views 887

      Social Media Platforms for Promkes

      This material is promoting the official social media platforms for the PromKes Health promotion unit in Indonesia.

      Source: Social Media Platforms for Promkes

        Views 586

        Information on COVID-19 Websites in Indonesia

        This material is promoting the official websites for COVID-19 in Indonesia.

          Views 683